Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wood Stove Hot Water Cylinder

Ausa John Schiavo Campo

knowledge to those who say that nothing
remains in place?
Who can say that something is
never intended to change?
The time and place;
names alter the circumstances

its name from the place with no name above
place without the no place is home
before anything had originated
there was something to think about source
first thought there was the intention
without the intention originally was its origin
everything is without justification
but the lack of motivation is motivation

space beyond the form;
the form passes the content
time is contained
as rhythm and order:
without space constraints

because of strong roots
the world is the bond that holds together firmly

the blue circle of silence
of the four directions of the sky
everything everywhere composed of props that
held together by four roots
is no world roots
which opens in wide
the sky is more open

there in my shadow, not me
unhinged world of flying
the way before me everywhere

property from timeless
I look at the course contemplating
the straight and looking
on this side of the wing beyond
have a door for me to go

threshold of the place where he was
at the crossroads of the house at the time of the passage door
pace of passage
guardian applying the bite
of the measure to pass things
lady on the day to rise
doors leading to all
winding road that opened the way
the path leading up to the mark
entry behind which recall
night from which side you
unfolding of the veil in mutual
leading to step

here lack of any further heart
everywhere n ' was a center

as guidance in the center timeless
the rest time

god is near the end of time for those who
companion day and night with
signs of strain on the language to decipher
the dark stem of the name
shelter behind the word from behind the irrevocable

if the word that marks vibrates
tuned instrument to ' Start
as flowing from the Temple
with that echo the voice
as an echo of that word to heart
ago by the bank of a god inspirational

accompanied to the sound of the voice of harmony with honey
who drop by Who listens to the mouth of the sound

the mouth of the words

that my guardian the word
you open yourself lucky days
you relied on the other hand you have conferred upon me

exalt you thought
result of harmonic mind telling me how healthy
work is accomplished
of solidarity with you by my side to
rhythm of the fervor that v'inneggia

blow me in recycled
vital essences,
everything I breathe
singing in the inner center
clear understanding of the heart of
command intellection
traced back to the center of desire
that the center reaches
of the four directions,
that will add strength to complement

I left my heart just fold
who you wise without purity
your vibrating string not sing

archer my mind
halyard to your bow an arrow
straight flight
occurred because the inertia of the person conspires

why do not you posters
occurred because it is time
fire from heaven descend triple
because of your word
show itself before each
wellspring leading light
prescient words

heart today to join your heart
making to the fire with
the word sacrifice
asking that essay
self-knowledge to be high
operating with the enlightened mind
dissipation of the dark

because of the word
thought holds the cart horse jumps
your word
in the name of the person whose word
stable makes the distances
one that cuts through the rock, causing the breach

it struck the rock
throwing open the boxes to
cows come out of hiding because
unaware of the

the truthful we returned the way of his heart
showed us that the bird caught in the nets
because I will extricate
in the word that you did ascend
loosed from the snares
him the benefit
water did descend
they shared courses,
breaking the shell

prosperity from procuring
fruitful mist of golden rain

for those light lines
prosperity by fate
feels closer to the heart from the shock of a metal stamp
the equal of his lord

udendone l 'echoes which resound
from these places their
traces of which witness
udendone named nurse of the god of the earth that provides
flowering under the slight step

because they mark
which tracks for which cross the tracks intersect

for the duration of the journey
covering the space of days

prejudice you or god,
thou god of flowering wild ravines

announced that you ride the cloud
that expands from the precincts of heaven
setting up home in the sky
height of your cloud
flashes, sir,
thunders so loud you just listen
rumbling of thunder tearing the air
to the top eco
with the roar of thunder
that shake the branches of your air
force of thunder
under the heap of the sky above

is matched tension,
lord Hear me roar
spirit of the heights of the clouds down the mount
powerful that you come quickly
the mount of the clouds like lightning
heard the thunder of your voice or of thy lord
thunder propagates
feel roar:
risvegliasti you son of heaven

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pc Suite Para O Cookie

Viva Ferrara Italy

Law Alfano and finally died, reopens a season of events that we know too well for too long. While the country is falling apart in the coming months will see the Premier's personal dispute in the courts of our nation. The Judges of the council could not omit the spirit of the constitution in favor of a single

Monday, September 14, 2009

How To Finish 16 Puzzle

But because I talk too much? A family

Monday, September 14, 2009
I started the last post saying that the past week had ended without any major shocks, and after all that had been peaceful enough fondamentelmante ....
I must not forget that there is a law of retaliation and that it is inconceivable to ignore the law for too long ....
My Monday starts early, and as usual with "gana" ... 8 already in the hospital and began my usual round ... I turn the PC on the visit to inspect the hospital and discovered that, compared to Friday night, when I left the hospital one weekend must have been hell for my fellow half-call ... There are eight new entries and the nest is full ... also I find that for a reason which still escapes me I have set the first appointment for consultation at 10 ....
Well ... will run from today .... but still do not know what awaits me ... Step by
first paritorio ... today there is a rather strange atmosphere ... the hall "Expansion in" is as full as an egg and strangely over the "marriage" (ie the male matron midwife) is one of the gynecologists and two nurse ... inform me that when everything is quiet but the day is expected to complete .... call me soon there will be news ...
I go to the nest and begin to visit the babies have not yet checked ... are four in all ...
half an hour has passed when we get the phone call you do not expect ... is a gynecologist ... informs me that in Urgench and a lady just arrived at the 34th week of twin pregnancy with 6 inches of expansion and water routes ... You should know that the hospital does not exist a real neonatal intensive care unit (NICU a) even if the equipment for two or three treatments are intensive (because this would result in the presence of staff that there is h24) why policy of the clinic is to avoid leaving such cases that are sent to the hospital of Candelaria .... but in this case there is no time and then we have to prepare ... The doctor informs me that took about 20 minutes before she enters the operating room ...
begin to prepare the equipment, incubators, respirators, although little used, are always kept in a state of perfect efficiency .... In fact, after just five minutes the room is ready to welcome the babies .... Carmen meanwhile arrived and informed her of the fact ... we decide to go immediately to the department to inspect the hospital and wait there for the call. We split the rooms to be checked after 20 minutes exactly and all the children have already been checked ... the speed with which you can make this work I always have to thank my colleagues of the Servicio de urgencias they do get to the department in child well treated ....
20 minutes to watch and rings "busca" ... course is the paritorio ... "Doctor, the señora ... Acaba de salir de paritorio ... like saying "come down to race because the lady is already in the operating room" ... We
.... Call related information Carmen and I head immediately to the operating room as best slipping the green uniform and everything else .... I have time to look out in the operating room and I see a kind of rat in the hands of the marriage ... I will be delivered immediately and brought to the cradle of paritorio ... meanwhile the second rat was assigned to Carmen ...
In these few seconds I also had time to breathe a sigh of relief because the two sorcetti move and have also started to cry .... The flashback was immediate .... I was screened at the October 25 in 2001 when they were born of my sorcetti and the feeling was exactly the same ..... I find myself coming back to me to draw and control a very lively little girl after all not so small as expected because a few grams and weighs 2 kg and above all without apparent respiratory problems .... the other mouse is a boy of 1 kilo and 900 grams .... he in good condition .... called Sara and Carlos and I'm really cute .... in twenty minutes are already in the incubator and monitored at all points ....
10:10 am and I already seem past quettro hours but it is not so .... I sling to see where they are already waiting for me two or three pazientini .... After the consultation
after about 45 minutes and already I savor a good cup of coffee and 5 minutes of relaxation ..... Unfortunately I forgot the famous law of retaliation .... as soon as I set foot in the cafeteria rings "busca" ... "Doctor, Rose ... soy niño que hay a Acaba de salir ....". Forget it ... coffee will have to wait ... like 5 minutes of relaxation .... In paritorio already waiting for me that the baby is fine .... control of rite ... okay .... cutting the cord, vitamin K, an antibiotic for the eyes, foot footprint, weight, length ... done ... I give the baby to her mother .... I .... I say ...... someone touches my arm .... "Doctor ... Acaba de salir a otro niño ... damn ... Today there is simply no respite .... delivery room in the other another Ciccino faces in this world .... things here are a bit more for the long ... the Ciccino obviously knows what's coming and do not really want to learn to come out ... delivery continues for another twenty minutes during which the other is prepared by the delivery room this time for a young English lady at first birth ....
Meanwhile Ciccino seems to have resigned and it turns out ... although I reluctantly ... okay anyway .... The English lady
meanwhile is accommodated in the delivery room with her husband ... is approximately a 1:30 p.m. ... delivery promises to be long but not particularly difficult ... the lady is very good and follows the instructions of marriage ... indeed, the translation by the husband's instruction marriage .... are really a nice couple ... those that inspire sympathy now ... are the left side of the chair aside and begin to see the little head of a small beginning to come out ... two minutes after the marriage me a look indicating the neck of the little ... two turns of cord tight enough ... the matrix has a great experience and is able to "loose" spins with a certain nonchalance .... the baby is out ... but does not react .... I was immediately handed over on the couch in children ....
Rosa, nurse paritorio, he began immediately to my left between the mother and baby so they will not see that happening even if at that moment the lady was, rightly, focused on his efforts ....
"Rosa y estimulación ... ambu "..... I whisper as I begin to suck in your mouth and nose of the small ... Rose begins to vigorously rub your chest and the back of small maneuvers with perfect sign of a great experience .... 30-40 second ... listening to the little heart ... the beat is the small but none of it to breathe, Rose begins to beat up on little legs while I continue to suck oxygen .... and finally after a hit of the little cough begins to cry ..... good enough look at the clock on the wall .... 90 seconds have passed since the marriage has marked the time of birth .... that seemed an eternity to go on forever .. .. I find myself with trembling hands and thought with
days ago ...... I realize that Luckily Mom and Dad have not felt the atmosphere of those 90 seconds .... look at us with a smile .... commit blond bundle in the arms of her mother and I leave the paritorio .....
I decided that my day ends here .... I feel pretty .... for the law of retaliation ....

Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 September 2009
These two days were devoted mainly to the nest and control of the twins hospitalized ... Sara and Carlos are doing well .... maybe a little lazy in eating, but we can not complain.
The schools here are open for almost 10 days and strangely are increasing admissions of children in hospital ... the weather is still good but all in all we are seeing a amount of respiratory disease impressive for a small community like this .... mounts of course also the fear of "Gripe A ".... is a continuous .... and winter is still far away ... we'll see ...
Today, Wednesday, I had fantastic news .... I will join with colleagues in an intensive dell'urgencia abdominal ultrasound to be held next Saturday in the hospital ... apart from the absolute value, professionally speaking, the thing that excites me is the fact that is accepted in one group, dell'urgencia, which is by far the most cohesive group of entire hospital and the time they spend more time ....
I'm really excited and I look forward to ..... I will tell you the details .....
... now I'm going ... I realize that it's late and I suddenly remember that I still have to put the curtains I washed this morning, the window of my bedroom .....
... about ... tonight for the first time here in Tenerife since I came here it rained .... a powerful shower from 4 to 6:30 that broke the pool at Playa Honda ... here tell me that it was not as strong .... well ... I know what to expect at least ....
Goodnight ....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catch Phrase For 50th Birthday Invites

ie family .....

September 14, 2009 - Sunday

Sunday after a week of rest after all peaceful in terms of working without any major shocks, but still intense in the pace and amount of things to do. I realize that is increasing (very slowly for two months after the truth but I can not expect more) and consultas of the load is increasing especially with babies who flock to my office ... it could be very positive for the future because it is something like what happens with the pediatricians we settled down ... If you choose a pediatrician is difficult to be changed for some years, if it establishes a good relationship of trust .... now this is happening .... the nice thing is that, although several Canarian pazientini "doc" most of the babies that I am following are mainly Indian and Pakistani immigrants ... I confess to the top that what had seemed a bit strange ... until the father of little Sophia told me that he would continue to follow up on the small to me because when I speak in my slow English, can understand everything perfectly ...
unveiled the secret .... finally .... it is solidarity among immigrants .... In fact, I'm also beginning to follow other children born to Italian transplanted here for years and something to say especially to continue feeding it .... we will see the future ....

About Power ... apart from the rediscovery of the pleasure of cooking and sharing with colleagues of my labors "Reposteria" I'm starting to discover that here, apart from the usual exceptions, we eat really well and there is a food culture "indigenous" is not indifferent, although it seems very suppressed by multi-ethnic ....
in the week just passed I found that every year in Los Cristianos are organizing the "Ruta gastronomic marinera", where a dozen restaurants, bars and cafes of all kinds and ethnicities to offer ridiculously low price of three € a tapa of madrileña document together with a drink, a snack that is warm or cold with a beer or a glass of wine. I do not know if
las tapas that were served at this "gourmet Ruta" were made on purpose for the occasion (and for that I must make sure when it will be a moral over the event) but I must say I was pleasantly surprised .... not quantity, which also was not negligible, but for the presentation, all worthy of "haute cuisine".
So I discovered what "tapear", ie go for tapas tradition of daily life, especially madrileña which is to move from room to room to enjoy a tapa for each room .... around in this case consisted of two or three restaurants including an Italian, where I consumed a kind of modified caprese with tomatoes and mozzarella gratin croquette filled with delicious and equally good seafood consumed in a room called the "de Taverna el puerto "absolutely typical local time and presentation much more spartan, but with a taste truly amazing .... but the real epiphany was another ....
.... Since I'm here I tried a couple of times to eat an ice cream that here pass for "artejano" that is close to our ice cream and every time has been a profound disappointment ... to make a comparison, the worst and cheapest ice cream in tubs that you can buy a hard discount is certainly better than anything I have eaten here so far ....
At the end of the "Ruta cuisine" is obligatory "postre" that is the sweet and the proposal of his colleagues was that of "a tomar helado ".... understand how my mood has changed quite a bit at the thought to ruin the pleasures I had enjoyed until then with something that's close to our standard ice cream has absolutely nothing .... well .... excuse ready ... no thanks I'm full .... or more honestly "no me gusta el helado aquí "....
"No tienes que este helado prueba ... Jesus begins ..... well ... one with a name so I do not think you can say no ....
We almost a mile walk to get to the last place visited in a dark corner of the old part of Los Cristianos in a small shop, an ice cream shop called "The Greedy" ... I learned to be wary of signs with Italian names: in fact in most cases are no shops or restaurants that maybe up to a few long ago were run by Italians, but with different waves of crises and upheavals are passed from hand to hand and now find outlets operated by fellow is really hard ... much easier than you found it a gentleman or a Hindu or a clearly Middle Eastern in "Little Napoli" or "Grazie Roma ".... Entering
however, not known immediately something familiar .... Meanwhile, the ice creams are not placed in plastic trays (marker of ice cream purchased in some supermarkets), but in boxes of metal, and secondly the names are strictly in Italian with subtitles in English and English (Tiramisu, Kiss, Gianduja, Smurf! !, Black Cherry, Hazel and so ....)... Although this is not
are still convinced .... the lady who is over the counter speaks a English Canary perfect .... fast enough to not make themselves understood and also his staff ....
decide to go and I choose the classic chocolate kiss into a cone that has a good look ....
rigorous approach to the cone is the lick ..... and the first and second illumination was even better .....
Incredible ... ice cream is delicious ... the highest standards of our beloved ice cream .... Catania
I asked the lady if they are ice-cream and the chance yes "mis ... complimentos Italian soy y este helado es parecido a los de mi ciudad ".... The lady stops me immediately with a mandatory ... "We're Italian ..... But ... Sicilian
".... I am not exaggerating by saying that the Wends were the tear in the eyes ... that ice cream made me feel at home .... I was discharged from the lady telling her that we see often ... even if it is a little out of hand but the rest of the walk can serve well to dispose of the ice cream
..... Now what should I look for is the other thing that I miss ...... .....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pros And Cons Of Damon Braces

end of the month ....

end of the month is .... Well ....

August 27 I made the second month of my stay out of the ground, away from my loved ones (family and otherwise) and things that are tied and I think it's possible to pull a bit 'sums to what I experienced so far.

Normally reckoning of a life or a period much longer than what I've spent so far but feel the need to do so even after a relatively short period I think is a good signal intensity and quality of experience.

The first impression is always the one I had after the first five, ten and fifteen days, that is, who is living here for much longer than is actually spent and are basically only two months.

Two months of living with intensity between satisfactions, fears, new knowledge, moments of loneliness and nostalgia, but mainly lots and lots of work .... Work continues to be, Stan to say, always tiring but overall less tiring, especially because I do not struggle to understand the language and I think I gained a good fit to the rhythms dictated by the structure.

After two months I'm also starting out a little 'more than that is the life of the island and especially is starting to think a bit' (just a little ') to look beyond what is working and "routine" daily (which, incidentally, until now has never been tiring and repetitive).

That "just a little," he reasons in mind: my mind is always fixed and constant for almost 4000 km from here, in that house on the slopes of Etna and the difficulties of life that takes place in it. I do not know what it may seem silly to think This way but I can not do without and not without it makes me feel closer to those who are struggling away from here ...

... anyway ...

is also changing the perception of what life here in Tenerife.

"I'm going on holiday in Tenerife." Usually they are appointed only for such events. Wrong (like I was wrong for that matter) who thinks it's absolutely an island exclusively devoted to tourism and entertainment and feel good. E 'instead concentrated in a small world multiracial island and as such all meetings.

There is wealth and there is deep poverty, there is absolute fun and who can not afford to pay medicine, there is a good stay and there is a deeper social and physical suffering .... indeed a small world whose reality is choked out by his own myth.

Thus, although in an indirect way to find out many things that people go to Tenerife would not dream that they exist.

.... Find out what the shops are now in the hands of ethnic groups that have little canary, indeed nothing: the electronics stores are almost complete dominance of ethnic Hindus who also occupy the field of costume jewelry and souvenirs, accompanied of course by the Chinese that "occupy" also the sale of various objects, clothing, footwear and we also know that the sale of the street those terrible mechanical miagolanti kittens arouse me as the only instinct is to jump on even pretending that they are a family of cucarachas ....

.... Discover the Chinese mothers nursing their babies ... very rarely. Do not say it openly but breastfeeding takes time to work ... and then .... you can not ... but I had already suspected this when I talked about the Chinese guy had long ago admitted to the hospital and whose parents disappeared for hours .... Later I discovered that they have a trinket shop in Los Cristianos

... .... Discover that, again, the Chinese, or maybe (hopefully) just my neighbor, a party does not love the Scorpions, when they eat but do not speak a word accompanying the feed with a series of orchestrations that would be sick even to the Romans ... and this limits my time spent on my balcony at dinner time and prevents me from even thinking about for quite one moment to get comfortable outdoor dining or just enjoying the cool of the evening with a drink while tinerfeña my neighbors eat their dinner ....

.... Find out what the English television give the same television series that followed in Italy and that makes you feel the monstrous impression Gibbs NCIS agent who speaks English, especially in the episodes that you already know (but the same is true for Cold Case, Criminal Minds, Numbers, or CIS), monstrous because it is felt that the English language in the film is very boring: it is certainly a matter of ear and familiar but I can not perceive the nuances of the voice dubbing in English. .. the result is that a serial breathtaking as Criminal Minds (Mentes Criminales here) is dubbed as a cartoon The Simpsons .... disappointment ....

I said that even started my first espolrazioni island ....

The first step was a partial stake in the Teide ....

I must say I felt at home ... the place is absolutely charming and very reminiscent of our volcano. The big difference here is that the volcanic rock has a reddish hue and did not pitch black like us but the rest is very, very similar. The visit was limited to two hours but I have promised to reserve at least a day to climb to the summit of the volcano with the lift.

Another stop, this time dedicated to pure fun, it was the way to the "Siam Park", a water park (environment type Thai) very similar to Etnaland but much more organized in terms of logistics and locations quite breathtaking though perhaps not great .... Fun also for the speed with which you can access a variety of attractions .... despite the huge amount of people here have never waited more than ten minutes to take advantage of the various structures .... truly spectacular, and above all clean ..... to be redone ....

Another innovation of the last days is that I'm rediscovering the joy of cooking but with few resources. A hit was the chocolate cake (which is definitely not at the level of certain Sacher prepared by husbands of some friends that I saw in another blog but given the

means available fills me with satisfaction),
I brought to the hospital and shared with colleagues dell'urgencia although I think I'm spoiled with my own hands because not a day goes by that I am asked the encore .... I do not mind very much also because I spend more time in Urgench and are consolidating relations that go beyond the professional and I'm really happy ...

Finally .... the week that I left behind in terms of human labor and has been outstanding ... It was a week of "guard" and then my hospital stay is often extended well beyond normal business hours ....
E 'was the week when I started to do for a kid neuropediatria of 5 years with a disorder of communication .... My mother tells me that someone said that the problems of lack of communication of his son (who does not utter a word, which sits in a corner and set the hands, fixing his eyes for less than a second, which could pass hours to "play" with a strip of paper between his fingers .....) are due to the fact that the child has a short frenulum of the tongue and therefore is unable to articulate the words ..... I can not find the words I ... I just want to have in my hands that idiot who told this young mother all this crap for two years and pass ... I swear that I gladly would risk disbarment but at least with a satisfaction .... Immediately sent to the Santa Cruz de Tenerife where I am told there is a specialized center ... I think something like one of our rehabilitation center and as soon as I go to visit ... I have to review the Ciccino about a month ... but the diagnosis seems obvious ..... The
paritorio this week has been a source of overwork .... and done about 20 pieces in seven days with average of 2 points and 7 (seven) in one day with moments of excitement on Friday with a lady who, he said, did not know you are pregnant and who arrived in the holding urgence low parts with his hands .... I'll leave you to imagine the rest ....
The baby is left without any trace of reactivity for two minutes .... basic resuscitation and resumes immediately .... incredible .... I think immediately small which I previously reported ... pregnancy controlled perfectly until the last day, the son most desired ... useless .... also need to have a friend coming into the world's fate .... this small and apparently has good friends .... (Hello little friend ... you always think ...).... Another example of parents
model was that of a small English two years that parents ... (Mother's age can not be assessed ... but young father ..... I do not know ... having regard to the lack of it) apparently taken from the frenzy of fun at all costs in their dream holiday ... have seen fit to leave alone near a swimming pool .... the result was that the Small arrived in Urgench semisoffocato with her mother ....
After the intervention of colleagues in the small urgence (beautiful) was also taken up if needed the shelter .... The masterpiece was the telephone call from the mother to the child's father (who could not possibly leave the game of golf which was participating in the hospital to bring the documents necessary for admission) that also reported that according to her history of hospitalization was a ' exaggeration ... at the bottom of the small was just drowning .... As Forrest Gump said
.... "... And I have more to say on this matter ...."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Clever Congratulations Phrase

thoughts and words ... Small satisfactions and music

now updating this blog has taken on a roughly weekly basis and not because they lack the things to say but because I realize that many times some things might sound repetitive to the reader.

The fixed point is that the work proceeds in an optimal way and, I confess, that when it happens like that spent a weekend of tranquility, I found myself thinking of making a trip to the hospital as well, just to see how it goes ....

I managed to "hold ".... also because I had an absolute need for rest and the classic "do nothing" because my legs every so often refuse to follow orders (in the light of the miles that accumulate daily in the hospital) and so on Saturdays and Sundays are spent in 'almost totally apart from the leisure time spent the cleaning of the house, although it is microscopic, dusty can in a day because of the constant presence of wind canario.

The only concession to entertainment "active" this weekend was the participation in a concert on Saturday evening at the invitation of some colleagues, such music "Bolero "....

I believe that each of us is linked to the knowledge of the classic Bolero by Ravel and all his substitutes ... the fact is that the genre "Bolero" for what is intended here is something else: it is much closer to our popular romantic music (not songwriting) 60-70 years and therefore has nothing to do with what I expected ....

Now .... who know me know that I can digest substantially all of the music heard on this planet but I had serious problems ... except for a couple of songs sung by two interpreters of the fairer sex really noteworthy for the skill and voice .... However

least a pleasant evening and different from others that ended with a glass of sangria .....




do not have much to say about that I drank sangria here ...., was probably that of the end of the evening, and I would not commit the sin of immodesty, but I think that what I did last year was better than this loooong .. ..

On Monday was the day finally came that which corresponds our ATM card and that I finally won a bit of independence from the distrust with which you look at the shops when present any paper that is not of the English banking system .... A shocking thing I discovered is that the fees for ATM withdrawals in the English banking system are very high if you do not withdraw from your bank.
By taking the international committee is very similar to that in Italy a levy is applied to other branches and that is about 1.80 € ...
Are you English with an ATM card is the great idea to pick up at a door that is not what your bank will charge a massacre of 6 (six) euros to pick ....
Luck is that charge this fee before you feel incredible and then you can decide whether or not ...
So essentially I would agree very nearly reclaimed by Spain and Italy to withdraw by international levy .... mah .... just do not understand this ....

That's why I made my first purchase .... with only 24 € I brought home a set of final attack on speaker to which my trusty MP3 player and listen to music (almost) full blast, I missed a bit of time ....
But music made me discover that I also have neighbors ....
I must say that, contrary to what happened at the Hotel Columbus, here the neighbors are pretty quiet and out of the house early in the morning and coming back late enough not to notice that actually the time of other presences.
last few days but I found out to have Chinese neighbors and I discovered during my testing of new cases when during a guitar riffs Scorpions feel "tuppuliata" at my door ... It's six in the afternoon and not having large influx of people to my door I doubt whether the music was perhaps a bit Fortina ... I'm going to open and a man appears before me, I think about forty, of course China, which begins to shoot me against a whole flurry of words in Mandarin Chinese I think, making me understand that people are sleeping at that hour .... at six o'clock in the afternoon? and when I turn on the music for him? To two in the morning? bah ... I give my apologies in English and the guy goes away ... For the first time in nearly a month I got the curiosity to look at the balcony of the neighbors and I discovered a warehouse full of everything ... same size but contains two of my bike, a network and a mattress standing, table, four chairs, three drying racks for laundry etc etc ... all living together peacefully.
I came the inevitable comparison to the balcony where my carefully tended to separate the clothes horse from the area in which stationed the broom and mop ... and it seems to me that already small for a person .... Lodi ability to adapt to ... I must say but the situation seems quite exaggerated and then .... I wonder .... but it does work to sleep at six o'clock in the afternoon ... and then think ... is not that he had a face like a pillow .... I conclude that probably did not like the Scorpions ...
Finally ... and we are on Wednesday ... Today I have finally repaired the washing machine ... was almost 10 days that accumulated stuff and my reserve was about to end ... The technician assured me that now it is a bomb and I can cominaciare to lacvare now .... well I have a load of whites waiting to return to these ....
... Jabon ... suavizante ... wash at 60 degrees and run the lavadora ... wish to use this time to go out and do some shopping edible ... I come home and the washing machine has almost finished ... in fact he feels that now the water flows fine and the noise of the centrifuge is almost leisurely .... Preparing the drying rack and ....
I can not believe ... all my white things now have a jaundiced hue horrible ... the friendly technician had failed to warn me that he had put in the basket my yellow towel on the ground that it was over .... and now ?.... they definitely look awful ... I think I'll have a mega plan to soak in bleach ....

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What Is The Best Upscaling Receiver

Fell in CAD Autodesk SEEK

ID: 20090823-1

- Blog


Author: Michael Green (Graphnet Ltd)

CAD Treaties:
Revit - AutoCAD
- AutoCAD LT
- Many other Autodesk products, home

Wandering around the net I found someone else who had the same idea. "Why not create a blog to help CAD users?". Yes, you read right: there is still some technical outside, hordes of political scientists and commercial websites are created only and only for a firm pocket the others, otherwise lawful activities if it were not disguised, as often happens, from customer service.

Articles are not the skinny, but notes the real card holder designed to be accessible by the user. Full of links and resources in general, is or'ora, impressively updated, bringing fresh news frequently published in the week, even during the day. The graphic layout is simple and the language used is straightforward and professional.

remarkable is the amount of information entered in less than 3 months ... fewer than 36 posts. Hoping that the attention remains focused on useful information to the reader and does not wander to various advertising, with not a little envy for the frequency of posts, we can only hope to continue the case. A final mention of the license to use that I could not find, but with so recent and constant activities can not be called a fault.

Monday, August 17, 2009

How To Apply For A Job At A Clothing Store

grow .....

Monday, August 17, 2009

This morning ended my week on call, as I expected, was particularly heavy (at least for me). I keep saying that mine is probably the wrong way to handle but the thing until I get details and commitments until I realize that you have complete mastery of the language and procedures it is very nice to me ... also because the physical fatigue is not accompanied almost never (except in particular difficulty) to that state of mental torpor that can cause a job that you like or do not like little ...
Way wrong step at this time because a lot of time (perhaps too much for some) in the hospital when other colleagues who have perfect knowledge of their procedures and language, already resolved by phone any clinical question ... I repeat ... me for now is fine so too because I do not are missing the small personal satisfaction ....

First is growing awareness of the particular persons and places. Apart from your colleagues servicio de urgencias now that I have "adopted", I think now my constant presence in the hospital has been noted by all or almost ....
"Doctor, ¿todavía aquí ?"... is the question I have been asked more frequently. And the presence inevitably leads to the establishment of relationships slightly less formal and I think that when you are invited to attend the "snack", when absolutely indispensable in a very long day of work, has begun to achieve a level of confidence is absolutely worthy of note . And so it is the primera planta, and to cuarta paritorio now where the coffee is ready when I get a phone call to the phone ....
Secondly, I am removing some small professional and personal satisfaction in respect of some (very few) long tongues ....
not know if it's something that is coming out stimulated by the new work situation (and if so I hope you take me for a long time) or is it already possessed and which for one reason or another I have never (or hardly ever) realized ... but when I am faced with certain situations, I start to smell ....

I had already occurred during the work but the situations are quite ordinary and especially for kids that I knew almost like my pockets but never with strangers ...

English boy of 13 years in a hellishly hot day in a mega amusement park (Siam Park) really wants to be come a collapse .... well ... Ambulance ... treatment and transport Hospiten .... perfectly normal ... The CICC has already recovered and is fine but as part of the pediatric wing of the urgence colleague calls me as usual ....

... I do not know what happens but when I stink (no body) I can not listen any more and also the guide, very punctual and very precise, the connection does not make me pass the smell from the nose ... Apparently
there is nothing different from a normal collapse from hyperactivity in summer, however, our de servicio urgencias is full almost every day apart from the fact that the father at one point tells the user that the young man a few days sleeping much more than usual, yet it always seems tired .... bah ... thirteen years ... tenerife ... out from morning to evening ... I do not know ... I decide to auscultate the best young ... Nothing definite but something still does not come back ... "... ¿Y Fuera is a pericarditis ?"... look at me strange ... Electrocardiogram .... normal .... mah .... CXR nothing specific ... mah ... Nevertheless decides to observation and then is assigned to the pediatric ...
As the smell does not diminish at all I decide to call the cardiologist, Juan A. a nice boy from the home Ecuadorian Indian facial features from the South American ... "Hola Juan ... I keep a niño que no me gusta ... Puedes hacerle a ecocardiograma?" "¿Porque ?"... too .... then it is a conspiracy .... but I think I was convincing enough because after about two hours Juan called me on the phone and tells me "The taeniasis sabes que razon? ... el niño holds a pericarditis virica ".... Now ... in front of twenty people around me I could not do it but the gesture was to breathe a virtual nails of his right hand and rub on the chest .... I was (and still are) very happy ... no conceit or arrogance, but only a great professional satisfaction.
And together with job satisfaction in the second case came a purely personal satisfaction ... Sunday morning call ... runs quietly ... are 9 and have already passed through the planta, the paritorio I have seen the first part is the matron me it states that within one hour and there would be the next "despues nada mas ... well .. seeing things calmly procedeno take this opportunity to grab a coffee and go to greet my colleagues from urgence ... between one thing and another has gone nearly half an hour, and rings el "busca" ... "Paritorio ... is ahead, I think to myself ... Oh well ... I ....

paritorio In the atmosphere is relaxed as ever ... delivery occurs without any apparent complication, but when the matron gave me little, I start to smell .... little seems rosy, if somewhat ammaccatello but not more than many others I've seen this month ... yet even here there is something that does not convince me ... I decide to take him straight to the nest and put it in the bell of oxygen and monitor ... The small well saturated and has a good heart rate but it seems to me with a strange color .... I express my doubts about the nurse's Nest "No me gusta !"... She also mentioned but without much conviction .... Within ten minutes I decided that if nothing changes (ie if you do not pass the smell from my nose) relocating the Candelaria Hospital. I leave the nest to begin to alert colleagues about whether the urgence of the possibility of a transport incubadora, is called 112 (which here is the unique number for the management of emergencies) and request an ambulance ...
go down again to the nest .... in the meantime has collected a small crowd of nurses who obviously "think" out loud .... I can understand "but that takes traslado porque? està estupendo ... thinking aloud immediately ceases when they see me leaving the place only looks between the half-hearted and ironic .... I do not care too much because I feel the smell gets stronger every minute and looks more and more of a smell trouble ...
Little seems to be looking good and well it just seems a little pale, but despite everything I still trust my instincts ... In the meantime, contact the pediatrician on call at the Candelaria Hospital where I explain my suspicions .... here .... I do not feel very sincerely believe and everything is starting to take on the characteristics of the struggle of St. George and the dragon began to fill in doubt ....
Now everything is ready and welcomes the little incubator for his journey ....
course in all this I also had to explain to the mother of small and maybe this was the hardest part because groped to explain that the baby's removal was based solely on my suspicion was not entirely easy.
All this ends up nearly four in the afternoon .... Thank God that Sunday morning in general things are more quiet ....
The next morning bright and early arrival at the hospital .... of course the first thing I make sure the nest is in paritorio and whether there was news of my baby ... no ... Carmen comes after a few minutes, my colleague, to whom the story of the day Sunday. Immediately call a friend of his to which our colleague asks about the baby ... The baby is fine ... now .... because he was about to leave on Sunday afternoon as the penne was anemia within a few hours .... My suspicion was right .... in practice it seems that at the exact birth of the placenta has "seized" a large quantity of blood thus afforded to small ....
The nurse told me that the nest in the morning before I was taken for a madman and, worse, ignorant, and I made the decision I complimeti for continued ...
honestly do not think I've done something out of the ordinary ....
... I just followed my instincts ...
But .... satisfaction that !!!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Does Mount Or Burn Image Mean

Another week on call ....

do not know if in reaction to what has happened few days ago, but in recent days over the time I missed completely the urge to write ....
E 'this is the week that begins my first real time structured and this means that, theoretically, I enjoy the opportunity to either morning or afternoon free from work ... theory .... because my first week coincides with the time to structure my week ends on-call so that, one way or another, mornings or afternoons not truly free until now there have been ....
other hand after that I did not like writing a lot .... no particular reason ... I found myself very often re-read everything I wrote, and then step by step tiutto to relive what had happened ... I also found myself thinking of becoming too sympathetic towards the events of this kind ... I was thinking about it the words of a professor during one of various internships university ... "Never become attached to a patient" ... These words have always played outside, but on this occasion I found myself considering that I would come in handy after all ... This thought lasted a couple of days until ....
... until Luís, the colleague with whom I servicio de urgencias tied for first and which, fortunately for me, has been joined by many others, says that one morning I read my post on the blog ... read my post and appreciated the fact that a physician may suffer or at least think more than once for the death of a patient and especially to that of a child ...
It took them a few words to reconcile with the world, with myself and immediately delete thought dictated by a university professor ... A doctor is a man (in the broadest sense) when he can share the joys and sufferings with those who care ...
very few words that changed my mood and the desire to do ...
¡Vale! ... okay ... All this happens on Monday ... and then what so far has prevented me from writing is just the lack of time. Mon
also have my last visit, which is still a bit empty but little by little account of furnishing my way ...

Between one thing and another we got to Thursday ... Meanwhile the work goes on as always a thousand things to do and small personal satisfaction that after all are always nice ...
I love it more than the Labor Department to consult and spend much of my time to urgence ... apart from the kindness of my colleagues I am very much learning and exchange of information in one sense or is truly continuous and fruitful ...
Today, Thursday, I start work at 12 ... I wake up early as usual and, as yet no call came, I decided to take the opportunity to attend to some documents for which until now I had no time whereas here all the offices are closed on Saturdays.
I go out and take the guagua (the bus) to the nearby village called Los Cristianos.
E 'is also a fraction purely tourist but compared to Playa de las Americas has a more national and continental ... more very nice ... but also packed full of shops with a size a bit more discreet than the Playa ...
At Town Hall Los Cristianos not lose more than 15 minutes to attend to the necessary documents to "empadronamiento" that the status certificate Canary resident and as such can exercise the voting rights in the Iberian land .... (?!).. as well as enjoy other benefits ...
'm 10 and since the alternative would be to go to the hospital I decided to dedicate some time ... has been nearly two months since I came here and I realize that my hair is taking shape impossible for my standards ... I remember that a colleague told me that in Los Cristianos, there are a number of "Peluquerias" (unisex hairdresser and beauti center) where they work well ...
seems that here there is the figure of the barber, and indeed even to ask for all indicate this or that but no peluqueria barber ... Wandering a bit from the windows I see that in fact the score that is absolutely the most diverse crowd: ladies and gentlemen of all ages and all races with the most diverse needs. They range from classic cuts to colored ones (in the broadest sense of the word) to the manicure, pedicure, makeup, various massages, spa treatments and so on and so forth ....
overcome my resistance and go into a room that must be one of those consigliatimi the colleague is in a basement and has a discreet and elegant. I am welcomed by a young man in a kind of gray jumpsuit ... sincerely jumpsuit, along with the mode of expression of the young man I have made a good impression but then I just cut my hair ... makes me sit on a chair very soon "stilish" and also very inconvenient, that has nothing to do with the barber chair in which up to now have been used to and I leave them to wait for a couple of minutes ... That comes forward must be the owner .. a young lady, but looking very nice and mild-mannered ... After the customary pleasantries he asks me what I need ... "Tengo que el short hair ... "Bien ... ¿Como deseo it ?"... "Short ... muy corto "I reply ..." pref las Tijeras (scissors) u maquina para short ?"... "La maquina" ... That said ... in fact no more than ten minutes my hair is the length that I am most familiar with a lot of time now ... not perfect, as my barber after years of practice on my head can do, but absolutely acceptable ... At this point the lady asked me "Deseo el lavaje? (shampoo) "Whereas out here .. I'll go straight to hospital seems a good idea ....
... now .... I do not know if the ladies but there are accustomed to me is a new world .... in a normal post-cut shampoo the barber takes no more than three minutes ...
Here began a sort of ritual ablution of the fact that little head with warm, soapy water and a series of slow movements and compression of the scalp (for those few who remained after the hair cut) I think that lasted at least a quarter of 'is now back at the end in an almost somnolent ... The alarm clock came from this state lysergic acid rinse with a water-based cold that left me almost a stone (I even doubt that Mrs. noting the state of excessive laxity has wanted to do a sort of sadistic game but ... this I'll never know ...) but in the end I must say that my head has thanked ... "Listo ".... Done! ... I thank the Lady and the number of accettabilissima "ochenta y Diez euros centimos" I find myself with a fresh fresh cabeza .... not bad at all ....

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cost To Operate Servers

... Without words ....

I do not know how many times I tried to start this post. I started yesterday, when it all happened, but I could not write more than two lines.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 For the first time I'm in serious trouble .... I feel the need to write but I can not find the serenity to do the job .... the fact is that I need to talk more but I am in a position in its Adriano Celentano "Azzurro".

Be still work with the doctor or health of others leads you to be part of people's lives more than, I think, can happen to people or non-medical health workers ... and when I talk about life I talk about all aspects including that of death.

Today I had my first confrontation with death in this new reality that I am living.
is not the first and certainly will not be the last but I do not think I'll ever get used to ... no different from a death or a major or minor gods, but another to believe a child is always a special case.

.... emergency Caesarean section .... the gynecologist calls everyone to gather as usual ... thing different this time is that we already know that is not the picture of the mother to worry about but the child ... The small is pulled out at 14:45 .... from behind the masks we can only look in the eyes and the look that we shared with the matron was to a silent alarm, it soon becomes clear that there is more than one thing wrong. Solita
procedure ... suction, stimulation ... nothing ... the baby has aspirated meconium is not known how long is a moment ... was intubated and we start with cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In a moment all the operating room was close to the cradle. To my right the matron, to my left a fellow with the ambulatory and in front of me the anesthesiologist. All this took place without a voice out of place, always in a low voice ... could you whisper with the certainty of being heard. In all that I never looked away from what I was doing, except to look at the monitor trying desperately something that moved in that damn screen, but I felt a score of eyes on him ... The surgical area
live a life apart from the rest of the hospital ... When you enter you are always surrounded by people harnessed at all points including mask and truly apart from someone, I would have a hard time recognizing who is in quirofano when it is dressed in "civilian" and then everyone around me, apart from the gynecologist and the matron were total strangers.
As time passes I feel myself growing in a profound sense of inadequacy and impotence ... we all know that by law a Resuscitation should proceed for at least 30 minutes ... 45 minutes have passed and I no longer feel his arms and so I think my colleague that the little fan ... keep silent ... at some point I look up and match that of the gynecologist ... silence in me is saying "enough !"..... are 15 and 45 minutes.
Outside the operating room waiting for us the father of the child ... And 'the gynecologist to talk calmly and an infinite delicacy, and had already prepared for a difficult situation because the lady had come to the emergency room with complications already in progress but the look of that Pope seeks answers that none of us could give. .. All the talk took place in a low voice ... and pain that radiated from eyes was a pain and full of quiet dignity ....
We take leave in silence and everyone gets his way ...
At half past five I decide that is enough for today .... Pass by the reception and greet the girls as usual ... already know all that happened and the time greeting is barely ... When I feel I am going to call out "Doctor .... desculpe !".... It 's the father of the little that has not had time to see the light ... Approaches me asking if his wife had already left the operating room, but I think it was just an excuse ... Question had not changed the look I had changed the awareness of what had happened ....
We talked almost an hour in a tight English him in a somewhat more broken my ...
We talked about the causes, of opportunity and what is done with a fast-paced question and answer that I could not always respond in a convincing manner and the rest I do not think there is a definitive answer on "why" a child there and more ...
We take leave ... shakes my hand vigorously and thanked with a "gracias" that has nothing formal ....
I find myself immediately to reflect the fact that in reality i am having to thank the father of a son never lived, for the lesson of dignity that you gave me ....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Registry Mechanic 8.0

It 's done !!!!!!! New

This post has posthumously because I started writing it in effect Sunday, August 2, but for one reason or another (see fatigue) reduces me to write just now.
I will be forced to condense (more or less ... I do not have the gift of synthesis and then pounding on the keyboard ....) I'm loving the events of several days and I hope not to bore my readers.

Saturday 1 and Sunday, August 2, 2009
For the day yesterday, Saturday, I had made a well-planned program so that today, Sunday, could have the whole day free and do things you normally do on Sunday ....

The program has worked well even if it lasted long, far beyond my expectations and not because it's been slow in cleaning but because, as I imagined and as I mentioned also here, the apartment was not as clean as I had promised but it was something I'd put widely into account.

One thing that I had not considered was the scorching heat which made here on the island yesterday.
I found myself already at 10 this morning and wring out completely slowed down my steps.
First I washed and sinfettato the apartment and that all containers drawers, cupboards and kitchen cupboards emptied of any residual content that makes sense: you
bags of various kinds,
two copies of the Daily Mirror "dating back to April of this year (and this should not leave doubts about the nationality of last tenants,
a pair of socks (clean thankfully),
a plastic ball,
a package of "suavizante" that is softening for the "lavadora" and which left me a bit worried, a packaging format
extended family of insecticide for crawling insects including cucarachas ..... now .... from what I know these cute little animals prefer places with abundant food debris, and then where there is a bit of dirt ... I hope that the previous tenants were quite dirty enough to attract a lavish banquet the nice (for them) animals .... I'd rather be a bit stingy and keep out of my table ... some companies
Stage cleaning and disinfecting of kitchen furniture and bedroom, cleaning and disinfection "lejiva (bleach) bath and then washing two coats of the floor with a degreaser amoniacale lemon scent. In this course I have neglected to wash at 90 degrees to wash all that could be as bedspreads, mattress covers and other amenities ... For
leap, a quick stop at the supermarket to buy the need for a "bocadillo" (sandwich) and other things that I needed ....

At 18 local time, I found myself on the balcony to gaze at the price of a day of hard work ... to gaze, and especially smell and I must say it was a feeling enjoyable ... I can also relax a little despite the heat ..
The next step was to finally unpack the suitcase that looked like nothing more than a month ... All my stuff ta system in the closet, in drawers and cupboards various makes me a certain effect and helps to give me a sense of order and organization that until now I had missed a bit. The day ends with a long shower, with the sandwich that I could not eat lunch, drink a glass of ice cold, dark and sparkling, and bed ....
I think the time lapse between contact with the pillow and fall into a deep sleep lasted no more than 15-20 seconds ... ..
"Meow" ... .. "Miao?" .... Clearly, fatigue is because of bad jokes in my sleep I had the distinct impression that a cat is meowing to me in the ear ....
(i Gattari surely hate me ... I do not particularly like cats ... let's say that between me and the cats there is a fatal attraction ....)... this "dream" makes me wake up in the middle of the night ... strange are sure to be wide awake now but the "meow" is still hammering my poor ears ....
I try to analyze the facts and I remember that the sliding window of the bedroom by exactly on the "Pasillo" (Hall) ... the "meow", which now has almost taken on a tone of compassion, is from there and when I am almost decided to go out armed with a slipper distinctly heard the sound of a door that opens with a speech in a language I do not recognize them for them (and then I realized that being a English night) but whose tone took on the characteristics of a well-understood type of comic blasphemy "%$·/&%$&%$/&)¿"...
From what I understand the cat is a regular guest of my neighbors and if they do not even get you angry .... bah ... valleys to see the cats ....
are about four back to sleep and it was really difficult, but fortunately the tiredness took over. I woke up that it was nearly ten in an almost unreal silence.
E 'Sunday and strangely did not feel all that shouting that until the morning before I had noticed in the lane that skirts the fact esclusivamenye residence of people who are heading to the sea from here is just five minutes walk ... well ... I guess after the disco may be tired and linger freeing up the beach ...
runs the washing machine with a bit of stuff that had begun to accumulate while I prepare myself and head for the beach in full armor .... even sunscreen this time (even for me not to take stupid some of you ... if not all ...)
the morning on my balcony does not beat the sun and then I did not realize immediately that the temperature can be outside but as soon as I stepped outside the door of Playa Honda is invested by a " fara "I do not bode well ....
the street is not really a soul ... the heat is suffocating ...
I say, not believing too much, I'll find a bit of refreshment at the beach and if I have a bit of luck I can recline on a lawn near the beach and almost always in the shade.
I cover the few hundred meters that separate me from the beach in no time which is enough to make me drip with sweat ... finally arriving at the beach and my para an awesome spectacle: an incredible expanse of bodies that occupy every conceivable space of the beach ... come to ask how they can do to get up without harming each other ....
... I also wonder at what time you have placed them, I conclude that either stayed at the beach or have arrived there at six in the morning ... I see no other explanation ....
The next beach does not offer a better situation .... already anticipate that the meadow is visible only a few trickle of grass .... the heat is more intense ... just ... around the heels and head back toward home ... I will take a dip in the pool .... better than nothing ...
But before I decide to replenish my pantry which is very poor ... stage from Iperdino to do some shopping:
Pasta (unrealistic prices of our brands when they are, Barilla to almost € 3 per kilo, almost € 4 for the Amato ... Antonio De Cecco is in jewelry .. . now I know that the order I recommend "The Isler" ... the formats did not shine for variety and imagination, spaghetti, penne and small shells ... nada mas Oh well ...), and tomato sauce (tomate Torcida) , olive oil (aceite), vinegar (vinagre), salt, ajo, cebollas, spicy paprika (a disappointment !!!!), salvacena some tin (tuna is the only thing I can trust in the absence of the beloved meat Simmenthal), parsley, tomatoes, fruit and even biscuits. For now I think is sufficient ...
I do not mind but I gladly lingered at the supermarket with air-conditioning, ... I leave that's almost one o'clock ... the choice is now required ... I start to cook and prepare a homemade tomato sauce, complete with fried onion that is not bad at all to dress a plate of spaghetti that give a margin of error risicatissimo after that are just as good with the wallpaper but fortunately Mr. Ugo I had given some valuable tips on pasta production Iberian .... Not bad at all .... I felt at home ....
The afternoon passed in complete relaxation in a bit of pool and a mega session of vision of the "Lord of the Rings" on my trusty pc ....
I go to bed early because tomorrow you work from 8 ....

MONDAY TUESDAY 3 and 4 August

On Monday flowing altogether tranquil, at the edge of boredom than the frenetic pace to which I am used to .... E 'vacaciones returned from his colleague and now we are three to manage the department. As I promised I was assigned to the visit of Pediatrics, 2 but until we decide definitely times I do not anything will do ... I hope this aspect will stabilize soon ...
also begins on Tuesday in a quiet but not just for me ... as usual I'm going to see the change ... around the nest to me to pass the mandatory urgence where I find, unexpectedly colleagues as usual focused on their work, but strangely this time can also exchange a few words and a smile in an unusually less hectic than usual .... The department is busy on average ... we are seeing a large percentage of kids who try to commit suicide in the pool through the classic "barrel spertezza" at least one third of the patients came to head injury .... the best way to spoil the holiday as they are mostly from abroad ....
secluded even the nest with two babies to "review" ... well ... I can give the coffee of the morning and half in paritorio by step and in any case if they need to call me on the phone ... consultas then this morning I did not think I take potermela convenient to be able to linger in the room to do some research informe de bibliographic ....
Murphy's laws do not forgive .... I just sat down when the handset rings .... needless to say ... is paritorio .. "Doctor hay UNOS Partos" ... In general, the matron tells me, "Hay a party" ... that 'UNOS "does not leave me very comfortable ... By paritorio in and find hell on earth ... it seems that all pregnant women in and around Playa will be given an appointment today and in the same place .... There are three mothers prepartum in the room, two more in the delivery room, three in the waiting room and I do not know how many more in urgencias ....
The first birth is announced already complicated .... and in fact it is so ... a beautiful little GIRL needs resuscitation because he aspirated amniotic fluid for quite some time ... I do not know if it's luck, but things are going well for her ... immediately to the nest with the bell of oxygen, but already after two hours is attached to the mother's breast .... but it is only the first .... in total before my eyes now been six Ciccino and when I go to the six there are three more coming ....
Never trust of the days that seem quiet ....