Sunday, October 28, 2007

Older Ladies In Knickers


What I am about to review is a work that it is difficult to categorize as a novel or noir, or any other literary genre.

What I'm about to review is a written work, but still not quite finished , Such a complex and complete to stay a step above everything I've been read.

What I'm about to review is the work that every contemporary writer would write only one ..... But I had the opportunity, driven by talented and had ups and downs in his hard life: one is James Ellory.

Before going to talk about the work I would like to mention the life of the writer.

James Ellroy was born in Los Angeles on March 4 1948.Dieci years later, his life was inevitably affected by a death that will always bring in: the violent death of his mother Geneva (died of a beating), killed in front his eyes.

This was only the first step towards a teenager living on the edge of a precipice ready to open under his feet. Abandoned by his father, a vagabond and active witness of a city that does not make allowances, consumed by drugs, but a great lover of books of many consumer magazines and noir crime news, James is once more hit the heart, as if the story of the death of the mother could not spell the end.

same neighborhood where he lived was one of the murders committed the most heinous of America: the case of the "Black Dahlia".

was a case that shocked the public and the same year James was haunted in his sleep by the violent images that overlapped both the mother and the Dahlia.

Hence the story writer dell'Ellroy In fact years later to defeat the bad memories and anchored to a past life, James decided to create his most famous work titled with the name of his worst nightmare LA DALIA BLACK.

From this book begins a career of major recognition and success increasingly important outside of the United States.

But in the second half of '90 James attests to his art a little higher than before.

In 1995 and 2001 are published in the first two books of a trilogy (the third is in the works) published under the titles of "American Tabloid" and "Six Thousand" can scale the positions in my special list of readings preferred.

These books tell the story of four characters in a period characterized much of U.S. history from 1958 to 1968.

Kemper Boyd, Pete Bondurant and Ward Littel Wayne Tedrow Jr: they are the great protagonists who act against the backdrop of great social and political changes both on American soil, and live directly among the highlights of that period (the crisis in Cuba, the saga of the Kennedys, the affirmation of the Klu Klux Klan, the remarkable collusion between the billionaire Howard Hughes and the Mafia families etc).

The author stages a huge dramatic and choral recitation of the fantasy and real characters that come into contact or collision with each other groped for the acquisition of more power as possible. Mobsters, politicians, union leaders, prostitutes, pimps, players, secret agents, lawyers involved in all .... good and evil above all in a story that many times it makes us wonder ... ... innoridire makes us reflect on the power the lobbies and the true nature of a country that we took as a cue to fundamental values \u200b\u200bas freedom and democracy.

Ellroy, with a style now undergo tests based on raw write / violent but effective dismantling a background built over time and shows the darker side of a generation that has forever changed the destiny of a nation.

The characters, as you scroll through with the reading, acquire power involving first-person narrative that the reader feels drawn into the action for a thousand volte.Aspetto with anxiety the last episode, the key that will make me go even further in mechanisms so sophisticated and layered that few writers could afford, thus making them exciting.

I recommend I highly ... discover these readings with a different eye another America ..


Thursday, October 25, 2007

How To Fix Wet Ceiling Tiles



I doubt this Porcupine Tree 'years have tickled the hearts and above all the mp3 players of their fans turning out two full papers (cd + p) after a little time apart.

But let's Order: Fear of a Blank Planet is work related to the genius of Steven Wilson (lead singer, frontman, creator of most of the texts and multi-instrumentalist). The wizards wrote a series of short stories linked together with each other by a thin line that unfortunately characterizes our society: the malaise of the younger generation that leads to quarrels, violence, drug use, and lack of awareness of time passing remaining helpless situations ahead of increasingly empty.

The work is pervaded by an apocalyptic analysis of the lives of young people, with a little analysis on the relations of the latter almost morbid with TV and video games and on the frenzy that accompanies all this, hard but with lyrics that basically leaves traces of hope.

From the perspective of the musical group, stood at levels above appreciated album (Deadwing) x above all the use of explosive and haunting guitars of Steve and John Wesley (vocalist and shoulder for much ecletticao their concerts).

not disappoint even a bit 'Gavin Harrison (drums, percussion), who with his confident style and rhythm changes that can thrill to the sound refined and provides quell'imprevedibilità hard concept. No less important are the other two travel companions, Richard Barbieri (keyboards) and Colin Edwin (bass) and create the proper atmosphere upon which is embroidered the theme of the songs.

Inspired by literature and Edwin Barbieri provide the paper and ink while Harrison is the wind that runs with both sweetness and brutality pages Wilson writes rhymes of extreme sadness and beauty. This is the track list:

Fear Of A Blank Planet (7.28)
My Ashes (5:07)
Anesthetize (17:42)
Sentimental (5:26)
Way Out of Here (7.37)
Sleep Together (7.28)

In my humble opinion, the most successful songs (nn only the most beautiful but most of all those that convey the message x which it was born the whole project) is the title track, which incorporates in particular inspired an unprecedented rate cut by the previous work (Deadwing), then I want to put that Anesthetize 17:42 accomplishes with its many changes of pace with beautiful intertwining guitars and keyboards (the central solo guitarist Alex Lifeson of Rush) who are completing this ride prog.

There are also intimate moments, when the company takes a breath from the pace kept up to that point. I'm talking about that starts with the gentle Sentimental Barbieri plan that serves as base to the voice of Wilson extremely delicate here.

boys nn, however, have satisfied the work raggiunto.Hanno wanted to add to their discography another little bit more dedicated to the younger generation (with related problems).

was released in mid-October the Nil Recurring ep contains 4 beautiful gems + perhaps its shining beauty than Fobp.

These 4 songs were written at the same time it was created in all previous work but have not implemented it in a different style of composition x under a renewed perspective on the same tematiche.Quindi No one has to think quite a waste, indeed we are faced with real musical taste.

From the point of view of style for me to have lowered the defenses of the pure Prog to let the stave + rock peppered with psychedelic colors (cmq you feel it is a fairly close relative of the elder brother) . Scrolling through the various topics he feels once the importance of + in the much sought after form of the keyboards that create quell'omogeneità of sound that has few parallels. This is the track list:

Nil Recurring - 6:08
Normal - 7:09
Cheating the Polygraph - 7.10
What Happens Now? - 8.23 \u200b\u200b

Note that the title track was written entirely by guitar wizard, but in general + guru of the universe Music in its entirety, and that Robert Fripp (founder and singer of King Crimson).

Other goodies are the recovery of part of the text in the Sentimental centerpiece of the presence in Normal and What Happens Now? a riff taken from Anesthetize.X particular as regards the beauty of the songs you choose are all great ....

Ultimately I would like to recall that the former group is on tour there are two stages in Italy: Rome and Milan November 17 November 18 ..


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is Chlamydia More Common Than Hiv?

Stardust ....

tonight I am writing my first impression / review on a movie (but call it that for me is a little simplistic) On Monday evening I saw and I was very impressed.

The film in question is already SUNSHINE Danny Boyle, director of special films, but with large following from both the public and the critics (TRAISPOTTING _28 hours later). The

film tells the story of seven astronauts parties (in 2057) in a long and mysterious journey towards our most important star, the only one able to give life to our dear and beloved country: the sun (which is inexorably turning off)

latter is in some way on 8 astronaut is part of the Icarus 2 (the ship carrying the load of people, food, large stocks of oxygen and the device can awaken the beast hot and red). Exactly as I said the sun is present in the souls of the crew from the first scene from the minds of the director.

Create sadness, loneliness, anxiety, desire for revenge to a scripted destiny, to something superior to us, something that is slowly dying ... dying ... making

Its brightness is comparable only to that of a deity after death .... feel the burn skin, eyes looking into the light ... in Galicia is a unique sensation which remain nearly paralyzed the crew .... . The clash ... but also their inner x x us is strange but effective .... cmq one hand the darkness of nothingness ... the other part of the blinding star ...

In half of men in their intelligence .... ... simple .... just in their being together in a confined space .... encumbered by a single RESPONSIBILITY ... realizing that they are only dust stars. A

are going? What is the fear by looking at the start and end?

These are the questions I asked myself during the movie and even after ... .. I hope you see it and you can comment .... ps: great music of the underworld that give a sense of restless and empty .. and superb photography (the sun is magnificent).
Love the solitude of the film .... the sun will warm ....

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Room De Pokemon Frigo Returns

Welcome ..... to myself ... and those who want ...!!!

here I am ....


YOU LIKE IN A + makes no difference, XRò I WANT TO SAY THAT I WILL TRY THIS SPACE 'OF devoted to the description of the things that' I am thrilled (that is a movie, a book AN ALBUM, a photograph, a personality, a LOT).

I HOPE we do not fall in the obvious, OR WRITE IN MY LIFE, THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW ME LO prohibits, as' the people I love DESERVE TO BE ONLY INSIDE OF ME AND THEN EVEN VI ....( you care).

OVER THIS STATEMENT OF INTENT I want to wish a good Sunday (while I continued to place this blog)

to forget SIGNATURE Mcfly ..... ....... .....