do not know if in reaction to what has happened few days ago, but in recent days over the time I missed completely the urge to write ....
E 'this is the week that begins my first real time structured and this means that, theoretically, I enjoy the opportunity to either morning or afternoon free from work ... theory .... because my first week coincides with the time to structure my week ends on-call so that, one way or another, mornings or afternoons not truly free until now there have been ....
other hand after that I did not like writing a lot .... no particular reason ... I found myself very often re-read everything I wrote, and then step by step tiutto to relive what had happened ... I also found myself thinking of becoming too sympathetic towards the events of this kind ... I was thinking about it the words of a professor during one of various internships university ... "Never become attached to a patient" ... These words have always played outside, but on this occasion I found myself considering that I would come in handy after all ... This thought lasted a couple of days until ....
... until Luís, the colleague with whom I servicio de urgencias tied for first and which, fortunately for me, has been joined by many others, says that one morning I read my post on the blog ... read my post and appreciated the fact that a physician may suffer or at least think more than once for the death of a patient and especially to that of a child ...
It took them a few words to reconcile with the world, with myself and immediately delete thought dictated by a university professor ... A doctor is a man (in the broadest sense) when he can share the joys and sufferings with those who care ...
very few words that changed my mood and the desire to do ...
¡Vale! ... okay ... All this happens on Monday ... and then what so far has prevented me from writing is just the lack of time. Mon
also have my last visit, which is still a bit empty but little by little account of furnishing my way ...
Between one thing and another we got to Thursday ... Meanwhile the work goes on as always a thousand things to do and small personal satisfaction that after all are always nice ...
I love it more than the Labor Department to consult and spend much of my time to urgence ... apart from the kindness of my colleagues I am very much learning and exchange of information in one sense or is truly continuous and fruitful ...
Today, Thursday, I start work at 12 ... I wake up early as usual and, as yet no call came, I decided to take the opportunity to attend to some documents for which until now I had no time whereas here all the offices are closed on Saturdays.
I go out and take the guagua (the bus) to the nearby village called Los Cristianos.
E 'is also a fraction purely tourist but compared to Playa de las Americas has a more national and continental ... more very nice ... but also packed full of shops with a size a bit more discreet than the Playa ...
At Town Hall Los Cristianos not lose more than 15 minutes to attend to the necessary documents to "empadronamiento" that the status certificate Canary resident and as such can exercise the voting rights in the Iberian land .... (?!).. as well as enjoy other benefits ...
'm 10 and since the alternative would be to go to the hospital I decided to dedicate some time ... has been nearly two months since I came here and I realize that my hair is taking shape impossible for my standards ... I remember that a colleague told me that in Los Cristianos, there are a number of "Peluquerias" (unisex hairdresser and beauti center) where they work well ...
seems that here there is the figure of the barber, and indeed even to ask for all indicate this or that but no peluqueria barber ... Wandering a bit from the windows I see that in fact the score that is absolutely the most diverse crowd: ladies and gentlemen of all ages and all races with the most diverse needs. They range from classic cuts to colored ones (in the broadest sense of the word) to the manicure, pedicure, makeup, various massages, spa treatments and so on and so forth ....
overcome my resistance and go into a room that must be one of those consigliatimi the colleague is in a basement and has a discreet and elegant. I am welcomed by a young man in a kind of gray jumpsuit ... sincerely jumpsuit, along with the mode of expression of the young man I have made a good impression but then I just cut my hair ... makes me sit on a chair very soon "stilish" and also very inconvenient, that has nothing to do with the barber chair in which up to now have been used to and I leave them to wait for a couple of minutes ... That comes forward must be the owner .. a young lady, but looking very nice and mild-mannered ... After the customary pleasantries he asks me what I need ... "Tengo que el short hair ... "Bien ... ¿Como deseo it ?"... "Short ... muy corto "I reply ..." pref las Tijeras (scissors) u maquina para short ?"... "La maquina" ... That said ... in fact no more than ten minutes my hair is the length that I am most familiar with a lot of time now ... not perfect, as my barber after years of practice on my head can do, but absolutely acceptable ... At this point the lady asked me "Deseo el lavaje? (shampoo) "Whereas out here .. I'll go straight to hospital seems a good idea ....
... now .... I do not know if the ladies but there are accustomed to me is a new world .... in a normal post-cut shampoo the barber takes no more than three minutes ...
Here began a sort of ritual ablution of the fact that little head with warm, soapy water and a series of slow movements and compression of the scalp (for those few who remained after the hair cut) I think that lasted at least a quarter of 'is now back at the end in an almost somnolent ... The alarm clock came from this state lysergic acid rinse with a water-based cold that left me almost a stone (I even doubt that Mrs. noting the state of excessive laxity has wanted to do a sort of sadistic game but ... this I'll never know ...) but in the end I must say that my head has thanked ... "Listo ".... Done! ... I thank the Lady and the number of accettabilissima "ochenta y Diez euros centimos" I find myself with a fresh fresh cabeza .... not bad at all ....
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