This post has posthumously because I started writing it in effect Sunday, August 2, but for one reason or another (see fatigue) reduces me to write just now.
I will be forced to condense (more or less ... I do not have the gift of synthesis and then pounding on the keyboard ....) I'm loving the events of several days and I hope not to bore my readers.
Saturday 1 and Sunday, August 2, 2009
For the day yesterday, Saturday, I had made a well-planned program so that today, Sunday, could have the whole day free and do things you normally do on Sunday ....
The program has worked well even if it lasted long, far beyond my expectations and not because it's been slow in cleaning but because, as I imagined and as I mentioned also here, the apartment was not as clean as I had promised but it was something I'd put widely into account.
One thing that I had not considered was the scorching heat which made here on the island yesterday.
I found myself already at 10 this morning and wring out completely slowed down my steps.
First I washed and
sinfettato the apartment and that all containers drawers, cupboards and kitchen cupboards emptied of any residual content that makes sense: you
bags of various kinds,
two copies of the Daily Mirror "dating back to April of this year (and this should not leave doubts about the nationality of last tenants,
a pair of socks (clean thankfully),
a plastic ball,
a package of "suavizante" that is softening for the "lavadora" and which left me a bit worried, a packaging format
extended family of insecticide for crawling insects including cucarachas ..... now .... from what I know these cute little animals prefer places with abundant food debris, and then where there is a bit of dirt ... I hope that the previous tenants were
quite dirty enough to attract a lavish banquet the nice (for them) animals .... I'd rather be a bit stingy and keep out of my table ... some companies
Stage cleaning and disinfecting of kitchen furniture and bedroom, cleaning and disinfection "lejiva (bleach) bath and then washing two coats of the floor with a degreaser amoniacale lemon scent. In this course I have neglected to wash at 90 degrees to wash all that could be as bedspreads, mattress covers and other amenities ... For
leap, a quick stop at the supermarket to buy the need for a "bocadillo" (sandwich) and other things that I needed ....
At 18 local time, I found myself on the balcony to gaze at the price of a day of hard work ... to gaze, and especially smell and I must say it was a feeling enjoyable ... I can also relax a little despite the heat ..
The next step was to finally unpack the suitcase that looked like nothing more than a month ... All my stuff
ta system in the closet, in drawers and cupboards various makes me a certain effect and helps to give me a sense of order and organization that until now I had missed a bit. The day ends with a long shower, with the sandwich that I could not eat lunch, drink a glass of ice cold, dark and sparkling, and bed ....
I think the time lapse between contact with the pillow and fall into a deep sleep lasted no more than 15-20 seconds ... ..
"Meow" ... .. "Miao?" .... Clearly, fatigue is because of bad jokes in my sleep I had the distinct impression that a cat is meowing to me in the ear ....
(i Gattari surely hate me ... I do not particularly like cats ... let's say that between me and the cats there is a fatal attraction ....)... this "dream" makes me wake up in the middle of the night ... strange are sure to be wide awake now but the "meow" is still hammering my poor ears ....
I try to analyze the facts and I remember that the sliding window of the bedroom by exactly on the "Pasillo" (Hall) ... the "meow", which now has almost taken on a tone of compassion, is from there and when I am almost decided to go out armed with a slipper distinctly heard the sound of a door that opens with a speech in a language I do not recognize them for them (and then I realized that being a English night) but whose tone took on the characteristics of a well-understood type of comic blasphemy "%$·/&%$&%$/&)¿"...
From what I understand the cat is a regular guest of my neighbors and if they do not even get you angry .... bah ... valleys to see the cats ....
are about four back to sleep and it was really difficult, but fortunately the tiredness took over. I woke up that it was nearly ten in an almost unreal silence.
E 'Sunday and strangely did not feel all that shouting that until the morning before I had noticed in the lane that skirts the fact esclusivamenye residence of people who are heading to the sea from here is just five minutes walk ... well ... I guess after the disco may be tired and linger freeing up the beach ...
runs the washing machine with a bit of stuff that had begun to accumulate while I prepare myself and head for the beach in full armor .... even sunscreen this time (even for me not to take stupid some of you ... if not all ...)
the morning on my balcony does not beat the sun and then I did not realize immediately that the temperature can be outside but as soon as I stepped outside the door of Playa Honda is invested by a " fara "I do not bode well ....
the street is not really a soul ... the heat is suffocating ...
I say, not believing too much, I'll find a bit of refreshment at the beach and if I have a bit of luck I can recline on a lawn near the beach and almost always in the shade.
I cover the few hundred meters that separate me from the beach in no time which is enough to make me drip with sweat ... finally arriving at the beach and my para an awesome spectacle: an incredible expanse of bodies that occupy every conceivable space of the beach ... come to ask how they can do to get up without harming each other ....
... I also wonder at what time you have placed them, I conclude that either stayed at the beach or have arrived there at six in the morning ... I see no other explanation ....
The next beach does not offer a better situation .... already anticipate that the meadow is visible only a few trickle of grass .... the heat is more intense ... just ... around the heels and head back toward home ... I will take a dip in the pool .... better than nothing ...
But before I decide to replenish my pantry which is very poor ... stage from Iperdino to do some shopping:
Pasta (unrealistic prices of our brands when they are, Barilla to almost € 3 per kilo, almost € 4 for the Amato ... Antonio De Cecco is in jewelry .. . now I know that the order I recommend "The Isler" ... the formats did not shine for variety and imagination, spaghetti, penne and small shells ... nada mas Oh well ...), and tomato sauce (tomate Torcida) , olive oil (aceite), vinegar (vinagre), salt, ajo, cebollas, spicy paprika (a disappointment !!!!), salvacena some tin (tuna is the only thing I can trust in the absence of the beloved meat Simmenthal), parsley, tomatoes, fruit and even biscuits. For now I think is sufficient ...
I do not mind but I gladly lingered at the supermarket with air-conditioning, ... I leave that's almost one o'clock ... the choice is now required ... I start to cook and prepare a homemade tomato sauce, complete with fried onion that is not bad at all to dress a plate of spaghetti that give a margin of error risicatissimo after that are just as good with the wallpaper but fortunately Mr. Ugo I had given some valuable tips on pasta production Iberian .... Not bad at all .... I felt at home ....
The afternoon passed in complete relaxation in a bit of pool and a mega session of vision of the "Lord of the Rings" on my trusty pc ....
I go to bed early because tomorrow you work from 8 ....
MONDAY TUESDAY 3 and 4 August
On Monday flowing altogether tranquil, at the edge of boredom than the frenetic pace to which I am used to .... E 'vacaciones returned from his colleague and now we are three to manage the department. As I promised I was assigned to the visit of Pediatrics, 2 but until we decide definitely times I do not anything will do ... I hope this aspect will stabilize soon ...
also begins on Tuesday in a quiet but not just for me ... as usual I'm going to see the change ... around the nest to me to pass the mandatory urgence where I find, unexpectedly colleagues as usual focused on their work, but strangely this time can also exchange a few words and a smile in an unusually less hectic than usual .... The department is busy on average ... we are seeing a large percentage of kids who try to commit suicide in the pool through the classic "barrel spertezza" at least one third of the patients came to head injury .... the best way to spoil the holiday as they are mostly from abroad ....
secluded even the nest with two babies to "review" ... well ... I can give the coffee of the morning and half in paritorio by step and in any case if they need to call me on the phone ... consultas then this morning I did not think I take potermela convenient to be able to linger in the room to do some research informe de bibliographic ....
Murphy's laws do not forgive .... I just sat down when the handset rings .... needless to say ... is paritorio .. "Doctor hay UNOS Partos" ... In general, the matron tells me, "Hay a party" ... that 'UNOS "does not leave me very comfortable ... By paritorio in and find hell on earth ... it seems that all pregnant women in and around Playa will be given an appointment today and in the same place .... There are three mothers prepartum in the room, two more in the delivery room, three in the waiting room and I do not know how many more in urgencias ....
The first birth is announced already complicated .... and in fact it is so ... a beautiful little GIRL needs resuscitation because he aspirated amniotic fluid for quite some time ... I do not know if it's luck, but things are going well for her ... immediately to the nest with the bell of oxygen, but already after two hours is attached to the mother's breast .... but it is only the first .... in total before my eyes now been six Ciccino and when I go to the six there are three more coming ....
Never trust of the days that seem quiet ....
I will be forced to condense (more or less ... I do not have the gift of synthesis and then pounding on the keyboard ....) I'm loving the events of several days and I hope not to bore my readers.
Saturday 1 and Sunday, August 2, 2009
For the day yesterday, Saturday, I had made a well-planned program so that today, Sunday, could have the whole day free and do things you normally do on Sunday ....
The program has worked well even if it lasted long, far beyond my expectations and not because it's been slow in cleaning but because, as I imagined and as I mentioned also here, the apartment was not as clean as I had promised but it was something I'd put widely into account.
One thing that I had not considered was the scorching heat which made here on the island yesterday.
I found myself already at 10 this morning and wring out completely slowed down my steps.
First I washed and
bags of various kinds,
two copies of the Daily Mirror "dating back to April of this year (and this should not leave doubts about the nationality of last tenants,
a pair of socks (clean thankfully),
a plastic ball,
a package of "suavizante" that is softening for the "lavadora" and which left me a bit worried, a packaging format
extended family of insecticide for crawling insects including cucarachas ..... now .... from what I know these cute little animals prefer places with abundant food debris, and then where there is a bit of dirt ... I hope that the previous tenants were
Stage cleaning and disinfecting of kitchen furniture and bedroom, cleaning and disinfection "lejiva (bleach) bath and then washing two coats of the floor with a degreaser amoniacale lemon scent. In this course I have neglected to wash at 90 degrees to wash all that could be as bedspreads, mattress covers and other amenities ... For
leap, a quick stop at the supermarket to buy the need for a "bocadillo" (sandwich) and other things that I needed ....
At 18 local time, I found myself on the balcony to gaze at the price of a day of hard work ... to gaze, and especially smell and I must say it was a feeling enjoyable ... I can also relax a little despite the heat ..
The next step was to finally unpack the suitcase that looked like nothing more than a month ... All my stuff
I think the time lapse between contact with the pillow and fall into a deep sleep lasted no more than 15-20 seconds ... ..
"Meow" ... .. "Miao?" .... Clearly, fatigue is because of bad jokes in my sleep I had the distinct impression that a cat is meowing to me in the ear ....
(i Gattari surely hate me ... I do not particularly like cats ... let's say that between me and the cats there is a fatal attraction ....)... this "dream" makes me wake up in the middle of the night ... strange are sure to be wide awake now but the "meow" is still hammering my poor ears ....
I try to analyze the facts and I remember that the sliding window of the bedroom by exactly on the "Pasillo" (Hall) ... the "meow", which now has almost taken on a tone of compassion, is from there and when I am almost decided to go out armed with a slipper distinctly heard the sound of a door that opens with a speech in a language I do not recognize them for them (and then I realized that being a English night) but whose tone took on the characteristics of a well-understood type of comic blasphemy "%$·/&%$&%$/&)¿"...
From what I understand the cat is a regular guest of my neighbors and if they do not even get you angry .... bah ... valleys to see the cats ....
are about four back to sleep and it was really difficult, but fortunately the tiredness took over. I woke up that it was nearly ten in an almost unreal silence.
E 'Sunday and strangely did not feel all that shouting that until the morning before I had noticed in the lane that skirts the fact esclusivamenye residence of people who are heading to the sea from here is just five minutes walk ... well ... I guess after the disco may be tired and linger freeing up the beach ...
runs the washing machine with a bit of stuff that had begun to accumulate while I prepare myself and head for the beach in full armor .... even sunscreen this time (even for me not to take stupid some of you ... if not all ...)
the morning on my balcony does not beat the sun and then I did not realize immediately that the temperature can be outside but as soon as I stepped outside the door of Playa Honda is invested by a " fara "I do not bode well ....
the street is not really a soul ... the heat is suffocating ...
I say, not believing too much, I'll find a bit of refreshment at the beach and if I have a bit of luck I can recline on a lawn near the beach and almost always in the shade.
I cover the few hundred meters that separate me from the beach in no time which is enough to make me drip with sweat ... finally arriving at the beach and my para an awesome spectacle: an incredible expanse of bodies that occupy every conceivable space of the beach ... come to ask how they can do to get up without harming each other ....
... I also wonder at what time you have placed them, I conclude that either stayed at the beach or have arrived there at six in the morning ... I see no other explanation ....
The next beach does not offer a better situation .... already anticipate that the meadow is visible only a few trickle of grass .... the heat is more intense ... just ... around the heels and head back toward home ... I will take a dip in the pool .... better than nothing ...
But before I decide to replenish my pantry which is very poor ... stage from Iperdino to do some shopping:
Pasta (unrealistic prices of our brands when they are, Barilla to almost € 3 per kilo, almost € 4 for the Amato ... Antonio De Cecco is in jewelry .. . now I know that the order I recommend "The Isler" ... the formats did not shine for variety and imagination, spaghetti, penne and small shells ... nada mas Oh well ...), and tomato sauce (tomate Torcida) , olive oil (aceite), vinegar (vinagre), salt, ajo, cebollas, spicy paprika (a disappointment !!!!), salvacena some tin (tuna is the only thing I can trust in the absence of the beloved meat Simmenthal), parsley, tomatoes, fruit and even biscuits. For now I think is sufficient ...
I do not mind but I gladly lingered at the supermarket with air-conditioning, ... I leave that's almost one o'clock ... the choice is now required ... I start to cook and prepare a homemade tomato sauce, complete with fried onion that is not bad at all to dress a plate of spaghetti that give a margin of error risicatissimo after that are just as good with the wallpaper but fortunately Mr. Ugo I had given some valuable tips on pasta production Iberian .... Not bad at all .... I felt at home ....
The afternoon passed in complete relaxation in a bit of pool and a mega session of vision of the "Lord of the Rings" on my trusty pc ....
I go to bed early because tomorrow you work from 8 ....
MONDAY TUESDAY 3 and 4 August
On Monday flowing altogether tranquil, at the edge of boredom than the frenetic pace to which I am used to .... E 'vacaciones returned from his colleague and now we are three to manage the department. As I promised I was assigned to the visit of Pediatrics, 2 but until we decide definitely times I do not anything will do ... I hope this aspect will stabilize soon ...
also begins on Tuesday in a quiet but not just for me ... as usual I'm going to see the change ... around the nest to me to pass the mandatory urgence where I find, unexpectedly colleagues as usual focused on their work, but strangely this time can also exchange a few words and a smile in an unusually less hectic than usual .... The department is busy on average ... we are seeing a large percentage of kids who try to commit suicide in the pool through the classic "barrel spertezza" at least one third of the patients came to head injury .... the best way to spoil the holiday as they are mostly from abroad ....
secluded even the nest with two babies to "review" ... well ... I can give the coffee of the morning and half in paritorio by step and in any case if they need to call me on the phone ... consultas then this morning I did not think I take potermela convenient to be able to linger in the room to do some research informe de bibliographic ....
Murphy's laws do not forgive .... I just sat down when the handset rings .... needless to say ... is paritorio .. "Doctor hay UNOS Partos" ... In general, the matron tells me, "Hay a party" ... that 'UNOS "does not leave me very comfortable ... By paritorio in and find hell on earth ... it seems that all pregnant women in and around Playa will be given an appointment today and in the same place .... There are three mothers prepartum in the room, two more in the delivery room, three in the waiting room and I do not know how many more in urgencias ....
The first birth is announced already complicated .... and in fact it is so ... a beautiful little GIRL needs resuscitation because he aspirated amniotic fluid for quite some time ... I do not know if it's luck, but things are going well for her ... immediately to the nest with the bell of oxygen, but already after two hours is attached to the mother's breast .... but it is only the first .... in total before my eyes now been six Ciccino and when I go to the six there are three more coming ....
Never trust of the days that seem quiet ....
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