knowledge to those who say that nothing
remains in place?
Who can say that something is
never intended to change?
The time and place;
names alter the circumstances
its name from the place with no name above
place without the no place is home
before anything had originated
there was something to think about source
first thought there was the intention
without the intention originally was its origin
everything is without justification
but the lack of motivation is motivation
space beyond the form;
the form passes the content
time is contained
as rhythm and order:
without space constraints
because of strong roots
the world is the bond that holds together firmly
the blue circle of silence
of the four directions of the sky
everything everywhere composed of props that
held together by four roots
is no world roots
which opens in wide
the sky is more open
there in my shadow, not me
unhinged world of flying
the way before me everywhere
property from timeless
I look at the course contemplating
the straight and looking
on this side of the wing beyond
have a door for me to go
threshold of the place where he was
at the crossroads of the house at the time of the passage door
pace of passage
guardian applying the bite
of the measure to pass things
lady on the day to rise
doors leading to all
winding road that opened the way
the path leading up to the mark
entry behind which recall
night from which side you
unfolding of the veil in mutual
leading to step
here lack of any further heart
everywhere n ' was a center
as guidance in the center timeless
the rest time
god is near the end of time for those who
companion day and night with
signs of strain on the language to decipher
the dark stem of the name
shelter behind the word from behind the irrevocable
if the word that marks vibrates
tuned instrument to ' Start
as flowing from the Temple
with that echo the voice
as an echo of that word to heart
ago by the bank of a god inspirational
accompanied to the sound of the voice of harmony with honey
who drop by Who listens to the mouth of the sound
the mouth of the words
that my guardian the word
you open yourself lucky days
you relied on the other hand you have conferred upon me
exalt you thought
result of harmonic mind telling me how healthy
work is accomplished
of solidarity with you by my side to
rhythm of the fervor that v'inneggia
blow me in recycled
vital essences,
everything I breathe
singing in the inner center
clear understanding of the heart of
command intellection
traced back to the center of desire
that the center reaches
of the four directions,
that will add strength to complement
I left my heart just fold
who you wise without purity
your vibrating string not sing
archer my mind
halyard to your bow an arrow
straight flight
occurred because the inertia of the person conspires
why do not you posters
occurred because it is time
fire from heaven descend triple
because of your word
show itself before each
wellspring leading light
prescient words
heart today to join your heart
making to the fire with
the word sacrifice
asking that essay
self-knowledge to be high
operating with the enlightened mind
dissipation of the dark
because of the word
thought holds the cart horse jumps
your word
in the name of the person whose word
stable makes the distances
one that cuts through the rock, causing the breach
it struck the rock
throwing open the boxes to
cows come out of hiding because
unaware of the
the truthful we returned the way of his heart
showed us that the bird caught in the nets
because I will extricate
in the word that you did ascend
loosed from the snares
him the benefit
water did descend
they shared courses,
breaking the shell
prosperity from procuring
fruitful mist of golden rain
for those light lines
prosperity by fate
feels closer to the heart from the shock of a metal stamp
the equal of his lord
udendone l 'echoes which resound
from these places their
traces of which witness
udendone named nurse of the god of the earth that provides
flowering under the slight step
because they mark
which tracks for which cross the tracks intersect
for the duration of the journey
covering the space of days
prejudice you or god,
thou god of flowering wild ravines
announced that you ride the cloud
that expands from the precincts of heaven
setting up home in the sky
height of your cloud
flashes, sir,
thunders so loud you just listen
rumbling of thunder tearing the air
to the top eco
with the roar of thunder
that shake the branches of your air
force of thunder
under the heap of the sky above
is matched tension,
lord Hear me roar
spirit of the heights of the clouds down the mount
powerful that you come quickly
the mount of the clouds like lightning
heard the thunder of your voice or of thy lord
thunder propagates
feel roar:
risvegliasti you son of heaven
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