end of the month is .... Well ....
August 27 I made the second month of my stay out of the ground, away from my loved ones (family and otherwise) and things that are tied and I think it's possible to pull a bit 'sums to what I experienced so far.
Normally reckoning of a life or a period much longer than what I've spent so far but feel the need to do so even after a relatively short period I think is a good signal intensity and quality of experience.
The first impression is always the one I had after the first five, ten and fifteen days, that is, who is living here for much longer than is actually spent and are basically only two months.
Two months of living with intensity between satisfactions, fears, new knowledge, moments of loneliness and nostalgia, but mainly lots and lots of work .... Work continues to be, Stan to say, always tiring but overall less tiring, especially because I do not struggle to understand the language and I think I gained a good fit to the rhythms dictated by the structure.
After two months I'm also starting out a little 'more than that is the life of the island and especially is starting to think a bit' (just a little ') to look beyond what is working and "routine" daily (which, incidentally, until now has never been tiring and repetitive).
That "just a little," he reasons in mind: my mind is always fixed and constant for almost 4000 km from here, in that house on the slopes of Etna and the difficulties of life that takes place in it. I do not know what it may seem silly to think This way but I can not do without and not without it makes me feel closer to those who are struggling away from here ...
... anyway ...
is also changing the perception of what life here in Tenerife.
"I'm going on holiday in Tenerife." Usually they are appointed only for such events. Wrong (like I was wrong for that matter) who thinks it's absolutely an island exclusively devoted to tourism and entertainment and feel good. E 'instead concentrated in a small world multiracial island and as such all meetings.
There is wealth and there is deep poverty, there is absolute fun and who can not afford to pay medicine, there is a good stay and there is a deeper social and physical suffering .... indeed a small world whose reality is choked out by his own myth.
Thus, although in an indirect way to find out many things that people go to Tenerife would not dream that they exist.
.... Find out what the shops are now in the hands of ethnic groups that have little canary, indeed nothing: the electronics stores are almost complete dominance of ethnic Hindus who also occupy the field of costume jewelry and souvenirs, accompanied of course by the Chinese that "occupy" also the sale of various objects, clothing, footwear and we also know that the sale of the street those terrible mechanical miagolanti kittens arouse me as the only instinct is to jump on even pretending that they are a family of cucarachas ....
.... Discover the Chinese mothers nursing their babies ... very rarely. Do not say it openly but breastfeeding takes time to work ... and then .... you can not ... but I had already suspected this when I talked about the Chinese guy had long ago admitted to the hospital and whose parents disappeared for hours .... Later I discovered that they have a trinket shop in Los Cristianos
... .... Discover that, again, the Chinese, or maybe (hopefully) just my neighbor, a party does not love the Scorpions, when they eat but do not speak a word accompanying the feed with a series of orchestrations that would be sick even to the Romans ... and this limits my time spent on my balcony at dinner time and prevents me from even thinking about for quite one moment to get comfortable outdoor dining or just enjoying the cool of the evening with a drink while tinerfeƱa my neighbors eat their dinner ....
.... Find out what the English television give the same television series that followed in Italy and that makes you feel the monstrous impression Gibbs NCIS agent who speaks English, especially in the episodes that you already know (but the same is true for Cold Case, Criminal Minds, Numbers, or CIS), monstrous because it is felt that the English language in the film is very boring: it is certainly a matter of ear and familiar but I can not perceive the nuances of the voice dubbing in English. .. the result is that a serial breathtaking as Criminal Minds (Mentes Criminales here) is dubbed as a cartoon The Simpsons .... disappointment ....
I said that even started my first espolrazioni island ....
The first step was a partial stake in the Teide ....
I must say I felt at home ... the place is absolutely charming and very reminiscent of our volcano. The big difference here is that the volcanic rock has a reddish hue and did not pitch black like us but the rest is very, very similar. The visit was limited to two hours but I have promised to reserve at least a day to climb to the summit of the volcano with the lift.

Another stop, this time dedicated to pure fun, it was the way to the "Siam Park", a water park (environment type Thai) very similar to Etnaland but much more organized in terms of logistics and locations quite breathtaking though perhaps not great .... Fun also for the speed with which you can access a variety of attractions .... despite the huge amount of people here have never waited more than ten minutes to take advantage of the various structures .... truly spectacular, and above all clean ..... to be redone ....

Another innovation of the last days is that I'm rediscovering the joy of cooking but with few resources. A hit was the chocolate cake (which is definitely not at the level of certain Sacher prepared by husbands of some friends that I saw in another blog but given the
means available fills me with satisfaction),
I brought to the hospital and shared with colleagues dell'urgencia although I think I'm spoiled with my own hands because not a day goes by that I am asked the encore .... I do not mind very much also because I spend more time in Urgench and are consolidating relations that go beyond the professional and I'm really happy ... 
means available fills me with satisfaction),
Finally .... the week that I left behind in terms of human labor and has been outstanding ... It was a week of "guard" and then my hospital stay is often extended well beyond normal business hours ....
E 'was the week when I started to do for a kid neuropediatria of 5 years with a disorder of communication .... My mother tells me that someone said that the problems of lack of communication of his son (who does not utter a word, which sits in a corner and set the hands, fixing his eyes for less than a second, which could pass hours to "play" with a strip of paper between his fingers .....) are due to the fact that the child has a short frenulum of the tongue and therefore is unable to articulate the words ..... I can not find the words I ... I just want to have in my hands that idiot who told this young mother all this crap for two years and pass ... I swear that I gladly would risk disbarment but at least with a satisfaction .... Immediately sent to the Santa Cruz de Tenerife where I am told there is a specialized center ... I think something like one of our rehabilitation center and as soon as I go to visit ... I have to review the Ciccino about a month ... but the diagnosis seems obvious ..... The
paritorio this week has been a source of overwork .... and done about 20 pieces in seven days with average of 2 points and 7 (seven) in one day with moments of excitement on Friday with a lady who, he said, did not know you are pregnant and who arrived in the holding urgence low parts with his hands .... I'll leave you to imagine the rest ....
The baby is left without any trace of reactivity for two minutes .... basic resuscitation and resumes immediately .... incredible .... I think immediately small which I previously reported ... pregnancy controlled perfectly until the last day, the son most desired ... useless .... also need to have a friend coming into the world's fate .... this small and apparently has good friends .... (Hello little friend ... you always think ...).... Another example of parents
model was that of a small English two years that parents ... (Mother's age can not be assessed ... but young father ..... I do not know ... having regard to the lack of it) apparently taken from the frenzy of fun at all costs in their dream holiday ... have seen fit to leave alone near a swimming pool .... the result was that the Small arrived in Urgench semisoffocato with her mother ....
After the intervention of colleagues in the small urgence (beautiful) was also taken up if needed the shelter .... The masterpiece was the telephone call from the mother to the child's father (who could not possibly leave the game of golf which was participating in the hospital to bring the documents necessary for admission) that also reported that according to her history of hospitalization was a ' exaggeration ... at the bottom of the small was just drowning .... As Forrest Gump said
.... "... And I have more to say on this matter ...."
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