But because I talk too much? A family
Monday, September 14, 2009
I started the last post saying that the past week had ended without any major shocks, and after all that had been peaceful enough fondamentelmante ....
I must not forget that there is a law of retaliation and that it is inconceivable to ignore the law for too long ....
My Monday starts early, and as usual with "gana" ... 8 already in the hospital and began my usual round ... I turn the PC on the visit to inspect the hospital and discovered that, compared to Friday night, when I left the hospital one weekend must have been hell for my fellow half-call ... There are eight new entries and the nest is full ... also I find that for a reason which still escapes me I have set the first appointment for consultation at 10 ....
Well ... will run from today .... but still do not know what awaits me ... Step by
first paritorio ... today there is a rather strange atmosphere ... the hall "Expansion in" is as full as an egg and strangely over the "marriage" (ie the male matron midwife) is one of the gynecologists and two nurse ... inform me that when everything is quiet but the day is expected to complete .... call me soon there will be news ...
I go to the nest and begin to visit the babies have not yet checked ... are four in all ...
half an hour has passed when we get the phone call you do not expect ... is a gynecologist ... informs me that in Urgench and a lady just arrived at the 34th week of twin pregnancy with 6 inches of expansion and water routes ... You should know that the hospital does not exist a real neonatal intensive care unit (NICU a) even if the equipment for two or three treatments are intensive (because this would result in the presence of staff that there is h24) why policy of the clinic is to avoid leaving such cases that are sent to the hospital of Candelaria .... but in this case there is no time and then we have to prepare ... The doctor informs me that took about 20 minutes before she enters the operating room ...
begin to prepare the equipment, incubators, respirators, although little used, are always kept in a state of perfect efficiency .... In fact, after just five minutes the room is ready to welcome the babies .... Carmen meanwhile arrived and informed her of the fact ... we decide to go immediately to the department to inspect the hospital and wait there for the call. We split the rooms to be checked after 20 minutes exactly and all the children have already been checked ... the speed with which you can make this work I always have to thank my colleagues of the Servicio de urgencias they do get to the department in child well treated ....
20 minutes to watch and rings "busca" ... course is the paritorio ... "Doctor, the señora ... Acaba de salir de paritorio ... like saying "come down to race because the lady is already in the operating room" ... We
.... Call related information Carmen and I head immediately to the operating room as best slipping the green uniform and everything else .... I have time to look out in the operating room and I see a kind of rat in the hands of the marriage ... I will be delivered immediately and brought to the cradle of paritorio ... meanwhile the second rat was assigned to Carmen ...
In these few seconds I also had time to breathe a sigh of relief because the two sorcetti move and have also started to cry .... The flashback was immediate .... I was screened at the October 25 in 2001 when they were born of my sorcetti and the feeling was exactly the same ..... I find myself coming back to me to draw and control a very lively little girl after all not so small as expected because a few grams and weighs 2 kg and above all without apparent respiratory problems .... the other mouse is a boy of 1 kilo and 900 grams .... he in good condition .... called Sara and Carlos and I'm really cute .... in twenty minutes are already in the incubator and monitored at all points ....
10:10 am and I already seem past quettro hours but it is not so .... I sling to see where they are already waiting for me two or three pazientini .... After the consultation
after about 45 minutes and already I savor a good cup of coffee and 5 minutes of relaxation ..... Unfortunately I forgot the famous law of retaliation .... as soon as I set foot in the cafeteria rings "busca" ... "Doctor, Rose ... soy niño que hay a Acaba de salir ....". Forget it ... coffee will have to wait ... like 5 minutes of relaxation .... In paritorio already waiting for me that the baby is fine .... control of rite ... okay .... cutting the cord, vitamin K, an antibiotic for the eyes, foot footprint, weight, length ... done ... I give the baby to her mother .... I .... I say ...... someone touches my arm .... "Doctor ... Acaba de salir a otro niño ... damn ... Today there is simply no respite .... delivery room in the other another Ciccino faces in this world .... things here are a bit more for the long ... the Ciccino obviously knows what's coming and do not really want to learn to come out ... delivery continues for another twenty minutes during which the other is prepared by the delivery room this time for a young English lady at first birth ....
Meanwhile Ciccino seems to have resigned and it turns out ... although I reluctantly ... okay anyway .... The English lady
meanwhile is accommodated in the delivery room with her husband ... is approximately a 1:30 p.m. ... delivery promises to be long but not particularly difficult ... the lady is very good and follows the instructions of marriage ... indeed, the translation by the husband's instruction marriage .... are really a nice couple ... those that inspire sympathy now ... are the left side of the chair aside and begin to see the little head of a small beginning to come out ... two minutes after the marriage me a look indicating the neck of the little ... two turns of cord tight enough ... the matrix has a great experience and is able to "loose" spins with a certain nonchalance .... the baby is out ... but does not react .... I was immediately handed over on the couch in children ....
Rosa, nurse paritorio, he began immediately to my left between the mother and baby so they will not see that happening even if at that moment the lady was, rightly, focused on his efforts ....
"Rosa y estimulación ... ambu "..... I whisper as I begin to suck in your mouth and nose of the small ... Rose begins to vigorously rub your chest and the back of small maneuvers with perfect sign of a great experience .... 30-40 second ... listening to the little heart ... the beat is the small but none of it to breathe, Rose begins to beat up on little legs while I continue to suck oxygen .... and finally after a hit of the little cough begins to cry ..... good enough look at the clock on the wall .... 90 seconds have passed since the marriage has marked the time of birth .... that seemed an eternity to go on forever .. .. I find myself with trembling hands and thought with
days ago ...... I realize that Luckily Mom and Dad have not felt the atmosphere of those 90 seconds .... look at us with a smile .... commit blond bundle in the arms of her mother and I leave the paritorio .....
I decided that my day ends here .... I feel pretty .... for the law of retaliation ....
Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 September 2009
These two days were devoted mainly to the nest and control of the twins hospitalized ... Sara and Carlos are doing well .... maybe a little lazy in eating, but we can not complain.
The schools here are open for almost 10 days and strangely are increasing admissions of children in hospital ... the weather is still good but all in all we are seeing a amount of respiratory disease impressive for a small community like this .... mounts of course also the fear of "Gripe A ".... is a continuous .... and winter is still far away ... we'll see ...
Today, Wednesday, I had fantastic news .... I will join with colleagues in an intensive dell'urgencia abdominal ultrasound to be held next Saturday in the hospital ... apart from the absolute value, professionally speaking, the thing that excites me is the fact that is accepted in one group, dell'urgencia, which is by far the most cohesive group of entire hospital and the time they spend more time ....
I'm really excited and I look forward to ..... I will tell you the details .....
... now I'm going ... I realize that it's late and I suddenly remember that I still have to put the curtains I washed this morning, the window of my bedroom .....
... about ... tonight for the first time here in Tenerife since I came here it rained .... a powerful shower from 4 to 6:30 that broke the pool at Playa Honda ... here tell me that it was not as strong .... well ... I know what to expect at least ....
Goodnight ....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Catch Phrase For 50th Birthday Invites
ie family .....
September 14, 2009 - Sunday
Sunday after a week of rest after all peaceful in terms of working without any major shocks, but still intense in the pace and amount of things to do. I realize that is increasing (very slowly for two months after the truth but I can not expect more) and consultas of the load is increasing especially with babies who flock to my office ... it could be very positive for the future because it is something like what happens with the pediatricians we settled down ... If you choose a pediatrician is difficult to be changed for some years, if it establishes a good relationship of trust .... now this is happening .... the nice thing is that, although several Canarian pazientini "doc" most of the babies that I am following are mainly Indian and Pakistani immigrants ... I confess to the top that what had seemed a bit strange ... until the father of little Sophia told me that he would continue to follow up on the small to me because when I speak in my slow English, can understand everything perfectly ...
unveiled the secret .... finally .... it is solidarity among immigrants .... In fact, I'm also beginning to follow other children born to Italian transplanted here for years and something to say especially to continue feeding it .... we will see the future ....
About Power ... apart from the rediscovery of the pleasure of cooking and sharing with colleagues of my labors "Reposteria" I'm starting to discover that here, apart from the usual exceptions, we eat really well and there is a food culture "indigenous" is not indifferent, although it seems very suppressed by multi-ethnic ....
in the week just passed I found that every year in Los Cristianos are organizing the "Ruta gastronomic marinera", where a dozen restaurants, bars and cafes of all kinds and ethnicities to offer ridiculously low price of three €
a tapa of madrileña document together with a drink, a snack that is warm or cold with a beer or a glass of wine. I do not know if
las tapas that were served at this "gourmet Ruta" were made on purpose for the occasion (and for that I must make sure when it will be a moral over the event) but I must say I was pleasantly surprised .... not quantity, which also was not negligible, but for the presentation, all worthy of "haute cuisine".
So I discovered what "tapear", ie go for tapas tradition of daily life, especially madrileña which is to move from room to room to enjoy a tapa for each room .... around in this case consisted of two or three restaurants including an Italian, where I consumed a kind of modified caprese with tomatoes and mozzarella gratin croquette filled with delicious and equally good seafood consumed in a room called the "de Taverna el puerto "absolutely typical local time and presentation much more spartan, but with a taste truly amazing .... but the real epiphany was another ....
.... Since I'm here I tried a couple of times to eat an ice cream that here pass for "artejano" that is close to our ice cream and every time has been a profound disappointment ... to make a comparison, the worst and cheapest ice cream in tubs that you can buy a hard discount is certainly better than anything I have eaten here so far ....
At the end of the "Ruta cuisine" is obligatory "postre" that is the sweet and the proposal of his colleagues was that of "a tomar helado ".... understand how my mood has changed quite a bit at the thought to ruin the pleasures I had enjoyed until then with something that's close to our standard ice cream has absolutely nothing .... well .... excuse ready ... no thanks I'm full .... or more honestly "no me gusta el helado aquí "....
"No tienes que este helado prueba ... Jesus begins ..... well ... one with a name so I do not think you can say no ....
We almost a mile walk to get to the last place visited in a dark corner of the old part of Los Cristianos in a small shop, an ice cream shop called "The Greedy" ... I learned to be wary of signs with Italian names: in fact in most cases are no shops or restaurants that maybe up to a few long ago were run by Italians, but with different waves of crises and upheavals are passed from hand to hand and now find outlets operated by fellow is really hard ... much easier than you found it a gentleman or a Hindu or a clearly Middle Eastern in "Little Napoli" or "Grazie Roma ".... Entering
however, not known immediately something familiar .... Meanwhile, the ice creams are not placed in plastic trays (marker of ice cream purchased in some supermarkets), but in boxes of metal, and secondly the names are strictly in Italian with subtitles in English and English (Tiramisu, Kiss, Gianduja, Smurf! !, Black Cherry, Hazel and so ....)... Although this is not
are still convinced .... the lady who is over the counter speaks a English Canary perfect .... fast enough to not make themselves understood and also his staff ....
decide to go and I choose the classic chocolate kiss into a cone that has a good look ....
rigorous approach to the cone is the lick ..... and the first and second illumination was even better .....
Incredible ... ice cream is delicious ... the highest standards of our beloved ice cream .... Catania
I asked the lady if they are ice-cream and the chance yes "mis ... complimentos Italian soy y este helado es parecido a los de mi ciudad ".... The lady stops me immediately with a mandatory ... "We're Italian ..... But ... Sicilian
".... I am not exaggerating by saying that the Wends were the tear in the eyes ... that ice cream made me feel at home .... I was discharged from the lady telling her that we see often ... even if it is a little out of hand but the rest of the walk can serve well to dispose of the ice cream
..... Now what should I look for is the other thing that I miss ...... .....
September 14, 2009 - Sunday
Sunday after a week of rest after all peaceful in terms of working without any major shocks, but still intense in the pace and amount of things to do. I realize that is increasing (very slowly for two months after the truth but I can not expect more) and consultas of the load is increasing especially with babies who flock to my office ... it could be very positive for the future because it is something like what happens with the pediatricians we settled down ... If you choose a pediatrician is difficult to be changed for some years, if it establishes a good relationship of trust .... now this is happening .... the nice thing is that, although several Canarian pazientini "doc" most of the babies that I am following are mainly Indian and Pakistani immigrants ... I confess to the top that what had seemed a bit strange ... until the father of little Sophia told me that he would continue to follow up on the small to me because when I speak in my slow English, can understand everything perfectly ...
unveiled the secret .... finally .... it is solidarity among immigrants .... In fact, I'm also beginning to follow other children born to Italian transplanted here for years and something to say especially to continue feeding it .... we will see the future ....
About Power ... apart from the rediscovery of the pleasure of cooking and sharing with colleagues of my labors "Reposteria" I'm starting to discover that here, apart from the usual exceptions, we eat really well and there is a food culture "indigenous" is not indifferent, although it seems very suppressed by multi-ethnic ....
in the week just passed I found that every year in Los Cristianos are organizing the "Ruta gastronomic marinera", where a dozen restaurants, bars and cafes of all kinds and ethnicities to offer ridiculously low price of three €

las tapas that were served at this "gourmet Ruta" were made on purpose for the occasion (and for that I must make sure when it will be a moral over the event) but I must say I was pleasantly surprised .... not quantity, which also was not negligible, but for the presentation, all worthy of "haute cuisine".
So I discovered what "tapear", ie go for tapas tradition of daily life, especially madrileña which is to move from room to room to enjoy a tapa for each room .... around in this case consisted of two or three restaurants including an Italian, where I consumed a kind of modified caprese with tomatoes and mozzarella gratin croquette filled with delicious and equally good seafood consumed in a room called the "de Taverna el puerto "absolutely typical local time and presentation much more spartan, but with a taste truly amazing .... but the real epiphany was another ....
.... Since I'm here I tried a couple of times to eat an ice cream that here pass for "artejano" that is close to our ice cream and every time has been a profound disappointment ... to make a comparison, the worst and cheapest ice cream in tubs that you can buy a hard discount is certainly better than anything I have eaten here so far ....
At the end of the "Ruta cuisine" is obligatory "postre" that is the sweet and the proposal of his colleagues was that of "a tomar helado ".... understand how my mood has changed quite a bit at the thought to ruin the pleasures I had enjoyed until then with something that's close to our standard ice cream has absolutely nothing .... well .... excuse ready ... no thanks I'm full .... or more honestly "no me gusta el helado aquí "....
"No tienes que este helado prueba ... Jesus begins ..... well ... one with a name so I do not think you can say no ....
We almost a mile walk to get to the last place visited in a dark corner of the old part of Los Cristianos in a small shop, an ice cream shop called "The Greedy" ... I learned to be wary of signs with Italian names: in fact in most cases are no shops or restaurants that maybe up to a few long ago were run by Italians, but with different waves of crises and upheavals are passed from hand to hand and now find outlets operated by fellow is really hard ... much easier than you found it a gentleman or a Hindu or a clearly Middle Eastern in "Little Napoli" or "Grazie Roma ".... Entering
however, not known immediately something familiar .... Meanwhile, the ice creams are not placed in plastic trays (marker of ice cream purchased in some supermarkets), but in boxes of metal, and secondly the names are strictly in Italian with subtitles in English and English (Tiramisu, Kiss, Gianduja, Smurf! !, Black Cherry, Hazel and so ....)... Although this is not
are still convinced .... the lady who is over the counter speaks a English Canary perfect .... fast enough to not make themselves understood and also his staff ....
decide to go and I choose the classic chocolate kiss into a cone that has a good look ....
rigorous approach to the cone is the lick ..... and the first and second illumination was even better .....
Incredible ... ice cream is delicious ... the highest standards of our beloved ice cream .... Catania
I asked the lady if they are ice-cream and the chance yes "mis ... complimentos Italian soy y este helado es parecido a los de mi ciudad ".... The lady stops me immediately with a mandatory ... "We're Italian ..... But ... Sicilian
".... I am not exaggerating by saying that the Wends were the tear in the eyes ... that ice cream made me feel at home .... I was discharged from the lady telling her that we see often ... even if it is a little out of hand but the rest of the walk can serve well to dispose of the ice cream
..... Now what should I look for is the other thing that I miss ...... .....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Pros And Cons Of Damon Braces
end of the month ....
end of the month is .... Well ....
August 27 I made the second month of my stay out of the ground, away from my loved ones (family and otherwise) and things that are tied and I think it's possible to pull a bit 'sums to what I experienced so far.
Normally reckoning of a life or a period much longer than what I've spent so far but feel the need to do so even after a relatively short period I think is a good signal intensity and quality of experience.
The first impression is always the one I had after the first five, ten and fifteen days, that is, who is living here for much longer than is actually spent and are basically only two months.
Two months of living with intensity between satisfactions, fears, new knowledge, moments of loneliness and nostalgia, but mainly lots and lots of work .... Work continues to be, Stan to say, always tiring but overall less tiring, especially because I do not struggle to understand the language and I think I gained a good fit to the rhythms dictated by the structure.
After two months I'm also starting out a little 'more than that is the life of the island and especially is starting to think a bit' (just a little ') to look beyond what is working and "routine" daily (which, incidentally, until now has never been tiring and repetitive).
That "just a little," he reasons in mind: my mind is always fixed and constant for almost 4000 km from here, in that house on the slopes of Etna and the difficulties of life that takes place in it. I do not know what it may seem silly to think This way but I can not do without and not without it makes me feel closer to those who are struggling away from here ...
... anyway ...
is also changing the perception of what life here in Tenerife.
"I'm going on holiday in Tenerife." Usually they are appointed only for such events. Wrong (like I was wrong for that matter) who thinks it's absolutely an island exclusively devoted to tourism and entertainment and feel good. E 'instead concentrated in a small world multiracial island and as such all meetings.
There is wealth and there is deep poverty, there is absolute fun and who can not afford to pay medicine, there is a good stay and there is a deeper social and physical suffering .... indeed a small world whose reality is choked out by his own myth.
Thus, although in an indirect way to find out many things that people go to Tenerife would not dream that they exist.
.... Find out what the shops are now in the hands of ethnic groups that have little canary, indeed nothing: the electronics stores are almost complete dominance of ethnic Hindus who also occupy the field of costume jewelry and souvenirs, accompanied of course by the Chinese that "occupy" also the sale of various objects, clothing, footwear and we also know that the sale of the street those terrible mechanical miagolanti kittens arouse me as the only instinct is to jump on even pretending that they are a family of cucarachas ....
.... Discover the Chinese mothers nursing their babies ... very rarely. Do not say it openly but breastfeeding takes time to work ... and then .... you can not ... but I had already suspected this when I talked about the Chinese guy had long ago admitted to the hospital and whose parents disappeared for hours .... Later I discovered that they have a trinket shop in Los Cristianos
... .... Discover that, again, the Chinese, or maybe (hopefully) just my neighbor, a party does not love the Scorpions, when they eat but do not speak a word accompanying the feed with a series of orchestrations that would be sick even to the Romans ... and this limits my time spent on my balcony at dinner time and prevents me from even thinking about for quite one moment to get comfortable outdoor dining or just enjoying the cool of the evening with a drink while tinerfeña my neighbors eat their dinner ....
.... Find out what the English television give the same television series that followed in Italy and that makes you feel the monstrous impression Gibbs NCIS agent who speaks English, especially in the episodes that you already know (but the same is true for Cold Case, Criminal Minds, Numbers, or CIS), monstrous because it is felt that the English language in the film is very boring: it is certainly a matter of ear and familiar but I can not perceive the nuances of the voice dubbing in English. .. the result is that a serial breathtaking as Criminal Minds (Mentes Criminales here) is dubbed as a cartoon The Simpsons .... disappointment ....
I said that even started my first espolrazioni island ....
The first step was a partial stake in the Teide ....
I must say I felt at home ... the place is absolutely charming and very reminiscent of our volcano. The big difference here is that the volcanic rock has a reddish hue and did not pitch black like us but the rest is very, very similar. The visit was limited to two hours but I have promised to reserve at least a day to climb to the summit of the volcano with the lift.
Another stop, this time dedicated to pure fun, it was the way to the "Siam Park", a water park (environment type Thai) very similar to Etnaland but much more organized in terms of logistics and locations quite breathtaking though perhaps not great .... Fun also for the speed with which you can access a variety of attractions .... despite the huge amount of people here have never waited more than ten minutes to take advantage of the various structures .... truly spectacular, and above all clean ..... to be redone ....
Finally .... the week that I left behind in terms of human labor and has been outstanding ... It was a week of "guard" and then my hospital stay is often extended well beyond normal business hours ....
E 'was the week when I started to do for a kid neuropediatria of 5 years with a disorder of communication .... My mother tells me that someone said that the problems of lack of communication of his son (who does not utter a word, which sits in a corner and set the hands, fixing his eyes for less than a second, which could pass hours to "play" with a strip of paper between his fingers .....) are due to the fact that the child has a short frenulum of the tongue and therefore is unable to articulate the words ..... I can not find the words I ... I just want to have in my hands that idiot who told this young mother all this crap for two years and pass ... I swear that I gladly would risk disbarment but at least with a satisfaction .... Immediately sent to the Santa Cruz de Tenerife where I am told there is a specialized center ... I think something like one of our rehabilitation center and as soon as I go to visit ... I have to review the Ciccino about a month ... but the diagnosis seems obvious ..... The
paritorio this week has been a source of overwork .... and done about 20 pieces in seven days with average of 2 points and 7 (seven) in one day with moments of excitement on Friday with a lady who, he said, did not know you are pregnant and who arrived in the holding urgence low parts with his hands .... I'll leave you to imagine the rest ....
The baby is left without any trace of reactivity for two minutes .... basic resuscitation and resumes immediately .... incredible .... I think immediately small which I previously reported ... pregnancy controlled perfectly until the last day, the son most desired ... useless .... also need to have a friend coming into the world's fate .... this small and apparently has good friends .... (Hello little friend ... you always think ...).... Another example of parents
model was that of a small English two years that parents ... (Mother's age can not be assessed ... but young father ..... I do not know ... having regard to the lack of it) apparently taken from the frenzy of fun at all costs in their dream holiday ... have seen fit to leave alone near a swimming pool .... the result was that the Small arrived in Urgench semisoffocato with her mother ....
After the intervention of colleagues in the small urgence (beautiful) was also taken up if needed the shelter .... The masterpiece was the telephone call from the mother to the child's father (who could not possibly leave the game of golf which was participating in the hospital to bring the documents necessary for admission) that also reported that according to her history of hospitalization was a ' exaggeration ... at the bottom of the small was just drowning .... As Forrest Gump said
.... "... And I have more to say on this matter ...."
end of the month is .... Well ....
August 27 I made the second month of my stay out of the ground, away from my loved ones (family and otherwise) and things that are tied and I think it's possible to pull a bit 'sums to what I experienced so far.
Normally reckoning of a life or a period much longer than what I've spent so far but feel the need to do so even after a relatively short period I think is a good signal intensity and quality of experience.
The first impression is always the one I had after the first five, ten and fifteen days, that is, who is living here for much longer than is actually spent and are basically only two months.
Two months of living with intensity between satisfactions, fears, new knowledge, moments of loneliness and nostalgia, but mainly lots and lots of work .... Work continues to be, Stan to say, always tiring but overall less tiring, especially because I do not struggle to understand the language and I think I gained a good fit to the rhythms dictated by the structure.
After two months I'm also starting out a little 'more than that is the life of the island and especially is starting to think a bit' (just a little ') to look beyond what is working and "routine" daily (which, incidentally, until now has never been tiring and repetitive).
That "just a little," he reasons in mind: my mind is always fixed and constant for almost 4000 km from here, in that house on the slopes of Etna and the difficulties of life that takes place in it. I do not know what it may seem silly to think This way but I can not do without and not without it makes me feel closer to those who are struggling away from here ...
... anyway ...
is also changing the perception of what life here in Tenerife.
"I'm going on holiday in Tenerife." Usually they are appointed only for such events. Wrong (like I was wrong for that matter) who thinks it's absolutely an island exclusively devoted to tourism and entertainment and feel good. E 'instead concentrated in a small world multiracial island and as such all meetings.
There is wealth and there is deep poverty, there is absolute fun and who can not afford to pay medicine, there is a good stay and there is a deeper social and physical suffering .... indeed a small world whose reality is choked out by his own myth.
Thus, although in an indirect way to find out many things that people go to Tenerife would not dream that they exist.
.... Find out what the shops are now in the hands of ethnic groups that have little canary, indeed nothing: the electronics stores are almost complete dominance of ethnic Hindus who also occupy the field of costume jewelry and souvenirs, accompanied of course by the Chinese that "occupy" also the sale of various objects, clothing, footwear and we also know that the sale of the street those terrible mechanical miagolanti kittens arouse me as the only instinct is to jump on even pretending that they are a family of cucarachas ....
.... Discover the Chinese mothers nursing their babies ... very rarely. Do not say it openly but breastfeeding takes time to work ... and then .... you can not ... but I had already suspected this when I talked about the Chinese guy had long ago admitted to the hospital and whose parents disappeared for hours .... Later I discovered that they have a trinket shop in Los Cristianos
... .... Discover that, again, the Chinese, or maybe (hopefully) just my neighbor, a party does not love the Scorpions, when they eat but do not speak a word accompanying the feed with a series of orchestrations that would be sick even to the Romans ... and this limits my time spent on my balcony at dinner time and prevents me from even thinking about for quite one moment to get comfortable outdoor dining or just enjoying the cool of the evening with a drink while tinerfeña my neighbors eat their dinner ....
.... Find out what the English television give the same television series that followed in Italy and that makes you feel the monstrous impression Gibbs NCIS agent who speaks English, especially in the episodes that you already know (but the same is true for Cold Case, Criminal Minds, Numbers, or CIS), monstrous because it is felt that the English language in the film is very boring: it is certainly a matter of ear and familiar but I can not perceive the nuances of the voice dubbing in English. .. the result is that a serial breathtaking as Criminal Minds (Mentes Criminales here) is dubbed as a cartoon The Simpsons .... disappointment ....
I said that even started my first espolrazioni island ....
The first step was a partial stake in the Teide ....
I must say I felt at home ... the place is absolutely charming and very reminiscent of our volcano. The big difference here is that the volcanic rock has a reddish hue and did not pitch black like us but the rest is very, very similar. The visit was limited to two hours but I have promised to reserve at least a day to climb to the summit of the volcano with the lift.

Another stop, this time dedicated to pure fun, it was the way to the "Siam Park", a water park (environment type Thai) very similar to Etnaland but much more organized in terms of logistics and locations quite breathtaking though perhaps not great .... Fun also for the speed with which you can access a variety of attractions .... despite the huge amount of people here have never waited more than ten minutes to take advantage of the various structures .... truly spectacular, and above all clean ..... to be redone ....

Another innovation of the last days is that I'm rediscovering the joy of cooking but with few resources. A hit was the chocolate cake (which is definitely not at the level of certain Sacher prepared by husbands of some friends that I saw in another blog but given the
means available fills me with satisfaction),
I brought to the hospital and shared with colleagues dell'urgencia although I think I'm spoiled with my own hands because not a day goes by that I am asked the encore .... I do not mind very much also because I spend more time in Urgench and are consolidating relations that go beyond the professional and I'm really happy ... 
means available fills me with satisfaction),
Finally .... the week that I left behind in terms of human labor and has been outstanding ... It was a week of "guard" and then my hospital stay is often extended well beyond normal business hours ....
E 'was the week when I started to do for a kid neuropediatria of 5 years with a disorder of communication .... My mother tells me that someone said that the problems of lack of communication of his son (who does not utter a word, which sits in a corner and set the hands, fixing his eyes for less than a second, which could pass hours to "play" with a strip of paper between his fingers .....) are due to the fact that the child has a short frenulum of the tongue and therefore is unable to articulate the words ..... I can not find the words I ... I just want to have in my hands that idiot who told this young mother all this crap for two years and pass ... I swear that I gladly would risk disbarment but at least with a satisfaction .... Immediately sent to the Santa Cruz de Tenerife where I am told there is a specialized center ... I think something like one of our rehabilitation center and as soon as I go to visit ... I have to review the Ciccino about a month ... but the diagnosis seems obvious ..... The
paritorio this week has been a source of overwork .... and done about 20 pieces in seven days with average of 2 points and 7 (seven) in one day with moments of excitement on Friday with a lady who, he said, did not know you are pregnant and who arrived in the holding urgence low parts with his hands .... I'll leave you to imagine the rest ....
The baby is left without any trace of reactivity for two minutes .... basic resuscitation and resumes immediately .... incredible .... I think immediately small which I previously reported ... pregnancy controlled perfectly until the last day, the son most desired ... useless .... also need to have a friend coming into the world's fate .... this small and apparently has good friends .... (Hello little friend ... you always think ...).... Another example of parents
model was that of a small English two years that parents ... (Mother's age can not be assessed ... but young father ..... I do not know ... having regard to the lack of it) apparently taken from the frenzy of fun at all costs in their dream holiday ... have seen fit to leave alone near a swimming pool .... the result was that the Small arrived in Urgench semisoffocato with her mother ....
After the intervention of colleagues in the small urgence (beautiful) was also taken up if needed the shelter .... The masterpiece was the telephone call from the mother to the child's father (who could not possibly leave the game of golf which was participating in the hospital to bring the documents necessary for admission) that also reported that according to her history of hospitalization was a ' exaggeration ... at the bottom of the small was just drowning .... As Forrest Gump said
.... "... And I have more to say on this matter ...."
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