.... which means .... do your job, walk to visit the ward and after you are free ......
.... Free is a big word but in theory is so ....
Today was the first day of full load of the department .... Yesterday evening I was very happy because it moves with skillful treatment I was able to empty almost completely the department .... (Some bad language could be said that the branch of Lourdes moved to Tenerife .... well ... at this point but I hope so !!!!) in a hospital vacancy = busy place and in less than no time the repartino was filled again and so this morning I was 8 + 7 Ciccino admitted to the nest ... nothing a bad start to the day .....
begin to go visit the "cuarta planta" and call me immediately from the "primera planta" for an emergency ... infant from birth dystocia with bradycardia etc etc .... I run .... (Thinking about it since I'm running here forever ... I begin to resemble more and more like Forrest Gump ..).... Ok
a small fortune for shooting almost immediately or it takes me away and, of course, much of the time I wear normally move under normal conditions, visit ...
Between one thing and another my morning ends at 15.00 ... after which the guard starts .....
The guard here is actually a kind of availability but leads to almost immediate availability ... in substance are free but if you call you can get in the shortest time possible .... for someone who is still totally on foot starts to become a problem thinking of more than 15-20 minutes away on foot ....
We must say that my colleagues in the urgence not get along as best we could ... usually if they call me and I spend most of the time urgence is a kind of priority here putting in their roles ... the pediatrician treating children ... and then if there is a niƱo call the pediatrician for advice .... although the truth in all of the time management is absolutely perfect.
Anyway back to the hotel, eat a little something ... shower head and I lay me down a bit .... contact time of my seat with bed = 3 ms.
the fourth millisecond phone rings ... "Doctor Nicola, buenas tardes ... ... esta es Hospiten 'urgence en la cuarta planta a" department in that is .... ok .... forget it ... in five minutes are in the hospital again .... While we are a small Scottish resign had the happy idea of \u200b\u200btaking a dip in his bathtub, step away from the nest, and finally from the primera planta urgence where I do a couple of visits ..... is done .... I finished my ride .... it seems that now everything is quiet ... I leave colleagues ....
Luis Antonio, a guy who speaks five languages \u200b\u200bfluently incredible, excellent doctor and a person, I think, very interesting to me to understand do not want me around more to see and go descanso (rest) to the sea .... look at the clock it is 18 .... is not a bad idea .... the sun is still high and there is a great warm and humid ..... the pool in the hotel closes its 18 ....
¡Vale! I decide .... Hospiten-Hotel and in less than no time in costume are headed for the beach .... I realize that in 15 days is the first time that I go down further down in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coffee era when there is still sunlight and
I must say that the first impression I was not impressed .... nothing like the beaches of the Caribbean .... nothing crystal clear water and white sand bottoms nothing .... rather than a normal beach with dark sand, evidently of volcanic origin, coarse-grained (good thing because here the wind never fails) and water constantly cloudy but clean ....
Okay ... the rest are not here for who knows what .... I take a bath ... fresh water pleasantly full of currents, bottom degrading .... They're not bad ....
Lying on the canvas start to listen to some music (including this Mad World by Gary Jules ) and finally I find myself really relax .... that mean? Spending an hour filled with absolute leisure and done, apart from the nocturnal sleep and episodes of short duration sproradici, I really missed ....
the hour someone had apparently decided that it might hurt too lazy and then I get the fateful phone call from Hospiten ... "Hola ... esta a caesarean doctor. ... It takes 20 minutos para Llegar ... Twenty minutes?? Oh my god!
realize quickly that it probably is not the case in the hospital swoop in a bathing suit and feet full of sand and then brush up on my past (passatissime for the truth) sleeps walker and head to the Hotel .... 10 minutes
flushed face and quick feet, change of costume and shoes ... 3 minutes ...
Directorate Hospiten .... arrival at the hospital at the end of the twentieth exact minute .....
Needless to say he was entering a new mother at that moment in the operating room .....
the end it all wonderfully well apart from my calves ....
What to say??
Tomorrow I'm on call again and I honestly do not know how to organize what is left of my day after the morning round ... I piacerebbetornare the sea but .... I do not want to risk having to really get in costume .....
We'll see .... will tell ....
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