ID: 20080829-1
- Wiki
Author: arch. Luigi Mauro Catenacci
CAD Treaties:
- AutoCAD
- Allplan (Nemetschek)
- ArchiCAD (Graphisoft)
- MicroStation (Bentley)
- VectorWorks (Nemetschek)
- ArTeN (Steel & Graphics)
- Revit (Autodesk)
- progeCAD (progeSOFT)

An interesting collaborative project on CAD, not only in providing information of use, but also many ancillary information useful to the users. The project is supported, and integrated web portal architect by profession, one of the main entrances of the sector. Unfortunately I was unable to retrieve information on authors, or society which it serves the whole. I then used the whois database to trace the author, or at the owner of the project.
The Wiki is made up of some areas are not always well-depth. Interesting is the whole section with AutoCAD Tip & Trick, tutorials, and useful information for users. Also of note is the collection of utility. The other CAD and other sections are treated at least bare-bones. A positive note on the independence of the publications, which tend to be subservient to force the company to turn.
Updates are at least rare, the last four months ago, and news on AutoCAD they frequently stop to some releases ago. A pity, also because Joint pain, the cure to chat as advertising, events and marketing in general, exceed by far their efforts in technical discussions.
The language used, contrary to what has been said on the home page, is too formal, didactic teaching, and sometimes, not always making the information easy to understand. However, as a whole, a commendable initiative which I hope will continue successfully.
The copyright goes back to Creative Commons 2.5, with many constraints including some capibili attribuione as the author, some questionable as the prohibition of use for commercial purposes, any other incompatible with the product itself as the obligatory extension without change, when a wiki is altered, by definition, otherwise it would lose its meaning.
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